ASC Member of the Week: Molly Bramble

What’s the importance of your committee/branch?    

WORD is a student ministry that seeks to cultivate community centered on Scripture. We desire to engage campus with discussion about different passages to help promote a community that shapes their life by scripture, not the other way around.

Discipleship encompasses many of the campus-wide resources made available by Campus Ministries that intend to help student navigate spiritual growth on our campus. These resources include small groups, Boom Talks, mentorships, special events with chapel speakers, retreats and more.

What has been the best moment you’ve experienced while involved with them?    

Definitely the Oneness event that happened on Sept. 2. Partnering with other student ministries on campus was encouraging and upbuilding; I also got to lead the discussion on Mercy for the WORD portion of the event, and that was unlike any other time I’ve shared my story or taught out of the Word, because a WORD discussion is an intentional interaction of the two, but always pointing back to what He’s already said.

What do you want other students on campus to know about your ministries?    

You will never be too old, too mature, or too learned for spiritual formation. Every single day, I feel like I’m learning something radically new about who God is and what He says about me and the world around me. Stay teachable. Ask the Father what you need to grow and come let us know. We have so many ways for you to choose to grow in love and truth.

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