No parking tickets on weekends: An Asbury Urban Legend

By Sophie Saint-Firmin, News Editor

If you are a student with a vehicle at Asbury University there is a high chance you have heard that tickets are not given out on weekends. This is false. I myself witnessed an Asbury security guard ticket two vehicles outside of the Aldersgate apartments at noon on a Sunday. Granted, the cars were parallel parked in the wrong direction.

Parking and ticketing is a hot topic of debate here at Asbury. Eric Walsh from Campus Safety and Security said, “Yes, we do write citations on the weekends but with more limitations on our officers than during the week.”

The majority of parking spots on campus are open for students on weekends; however, those spots that have clear signage, regulations or specific faculty designations are not to be parked in. “This is done as a convenience to the student population as a whole but does still have its limitations,” Walsh added.

The Student Parking Regulations state all student vehicles on campus must have a parking permit, and all regulations apply 365 days a year, including holidays and weekends.

Junior Hannah Ericksen was recently ticketed for parking in front of Glide-Crawford on a Saturday night. “I think it’s extremely unreasonable for them to ticket students for parking by their own dorm on the weekends,” said Ericksen. “On weekends, a lot of students come back late and don’t feel safe walking all the way back from the Johnson parking lot.”

If students do not feel safe walking back from their vehicles at night, they can call campus security and ask for a ride back to their respective dorms. This service can be obtained by contacting Switchboard in the Hager Administration Building in person or by calling (859) 858- 3511, ext. 0.

According to the Student Parking Regulations, “operating and maintaining a vehicle at Asbury University is a privilege, which entails certain responsibilities. It is the student’s responsibility to know the University’s vehicle regulations, as well as state and local laws.”

For a complete list of our Student Parking Regulations, please follow this link

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