All because of Jesus: the third day of revival

There’s something so beautiful about stained glass windows. The morning sun shines through them, illuminating the chapel with warm and colorful light. It only adds to the peace continuing to spread across Asbury University. 

Revival broke out Wednesday morning after an ordinary chapel service. Now, on Friday afternoon, worship, confession and praise are persistent in Hughes Auditorium. 

However, I think it’s important to note once again that everything occurring here— the healing, the weeping, the rejoicing— is not because of the building. Has revival occurred on these floors and across the seats before? Yes, and what a glorious experience it was for all those involved. But it didn’t happen because the sun lit the room in a specific way. It didn’t happen because of the particular people leading or the songs sung. 

It happened because of Jesus. Everything happening here right now is because of Jesus. 

We have heard testimony from K-Homes Founder and Director Tammy, who shared how God saved so many of the children, her family, in India and across South Asia. One man also said a prayer over those who haven’t gotten to know the name of Jesus. 

And there’s a sense of wrestling, or rather, restlessness. Not in the way of discontentment; actually, the complete opposite. People are still wanting more. It’s like we’ve tasted His goodness and grace, and we don’t want it to stop. 

And there’s quiet. Sometimes we think God only moves through significant events or loud dance-worthy moments. When I read 1 Kings 19 for the first time, I thought God would show up to the prophet Elijah in a big, mighty way. There was a shattering wind that howled. But God wasn’t in the wind. Then came an earthquake that rattled the ground and a bright raging fire. But God wasn’t in the earthquake or the fire. 

He showed up to Elijah in a gentle whisper. He can speak to us in the quiet. 

We think we have to be making noise for Him to hear us. However, He hears us in the shouts but also in the silence. He still hears us whenever we don’t have the words or our hearts are in so much pain we can’t even speak. He still listens. 

Revival has continued. And the moments I’ve seen— a woman in the front row still with her hand barely raised and tears in her eyes, a huddle of friends sitting on the ground in desperate prayer, the heart of an Asbury student running to Dollar General to buy coffee and supplies and so much more—  have occurred because Jesus is listening, moving and speaking.

But it is also important to remember He continues to listen, move and speak outside of this room. He is not limited to Hughes Auditorium, Asbury or Wilmore, Kentucky. 

Prayers from other states, such as California, Texas, Florida and Iowa, and countries such as Indonesia, India, Ukraine and Paraguay are being raised. And it’s not because of anything myself, the worship and spiritual leaders, the Asbury staff and the students have done or where we happen to be. 

Almost 53 hours of revival and it’s all because of Jesus. Oh, what a beautiful name it is. 

The Collegian will continue to provide updates. 

There’s something so beautiful about stained glass windows. The morning sun shines through them, illuminating the chapel with warm and colorful light. It only adds to the peace continuing to spread across Asbury University. 

Revival broke out Wednesday morning after an ordinary chapel service. Now, on Friday afternoon, worship, confession and praise are persistent in Hughes Auditorium. 

However, I think it’s important to note once again that everything occurring here— the healing, the weeping, the rejoicing— is not because of the building. Has revival occurred on these floors and across the seats before? Yes, and what a glorious experience it was for all those involved. But it didn’t happen because the sun lit the room in a specific way. It didn’t happen because of the particular people leading or the songs sung. 

It happened because of Jesus. Everything happening here right now is because of Jesus. 

We have heard testimony from K-Homes Founder and Director Tammy, who shared how God saved so many of the children, her family, in India and across South Asia. ___ said a prayer over those who haven’t gotten to know the name of Jesus. 

And there’s a sense of wrestling, or rather, restlessness. Not in the way of discontentment; actually, the complete opposite. People are still wanting more. It’s like we’ve tasted His goodness and grace, and we don’t want it to stop. 

And there’s quiet. Sometimes we think God only moves through significant events or loud dance-worthy moments. When I read 1 Kings 19 for the first time, I thought God would show up to the prophet Elijah in a big, mighty way. There was a shattering wind that howled. But God wasn’t in the wind. Then came an earthquake that rattled the ground and a bright raging fire. But God wasn’t in the earthquake or the fire. 

He showed up to Elijah in a gentle whisper. He can speak to us in the quiet. 

We think we have to be making noise for Him to hear us. However, He hears us in the shouts but also in the silence. He still hears us whenever we don’t have the words or our hearts are in so much pain we can’t even speak. He still listens. 

Revival has continued. And the moments I’ve seen— a woman in the front row still with her hand barely raised and tears in her eyes, a huddle of friends sitting on the ground in desperate prayer, the heart of an Asbury student running to Dollar General to buy coffee and supplies and so much more—  have occurred because Jesus is listening, moving and speaking.

But it is also important to remember He continues to listen, move and speak outside of this room. He is not limited to Hughes Auditorium, Asbury or Wilmore, Kentucky. 

Prayers from other states, such as California, Texas, Florida and Iowa, and countries such as Indonesia, India, Ukraine and Paraguay are being raised. And it’s not because of anything myself, the worship and spiritual leaders, the Asbury staff and the students have done or where we happen to be. 

Almost 53 hours of revival and it’s all because of Jesus. Oh, what a beautiful name it is. 

The Collegian will continue to provide updates. 

Executive Editor
  1. Thank you LORD God Almighty for this, Your outpouring of grace! May You alone continue to be glorified in all things, great and small, as Your Holy Kingdom advances in the lives, hearts, and hands of these Your children!

  2. Please keep us updated as we pray on with you from Knoxville, TN

    Come Holy Spirit, Come. Bring healing, bring unity, bring joyful confession, overwhelm us Lord. Overwhelm your people. Shower them with your JOY, unspeakable JOY!

  3. God, let this revival in Asbury spread across America and into every God-fearing community in this nation. Keep out the showmen and showwomen who wish to make a name for themselves. Bring in the humble, the broken, and the repentant. Use it to cleanse our eyes, our mouths, our ears and our hearts. Let it be real and life-changing for the upcoming generations just as you moved years ago for my generation. Give us boldness to combat the Enemy who has invaded every niche and corner of this great nation to destroy it. And send the name of Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit, especially to your people Israel as it is written “And so all Israel shall be saved”. In Jesus name. Amen!!!

  4. Thank you so much for your faithful reporting and insightful testimony!

    One humble edit i will suggest: i believe you’ve unintentionally cut and pasted your article, twice on this same post.

  5. I am following your articles about this on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. I am forwarding your links to other here and in Indiana, Florida, and Georgia. Others are posting it on their FaceBook pages. I have tears of joy just reading these. Praise God!

  6. Please pray for my son and his family. They are not saved. Their high school students are not doing well and the next to the oldest is pregnant. Thank you.

  7. We gathered today at First Methodist Church of Guntersville, AL to pray for all of you & for this outpouring to raise up a 24 hour/ day & night house of prayer & worship & for this revival to spread to campuses globally! Hallelujah there are professors & administrators being led by the Spirit how to steward this beautiful moment !

  8. Thank you for this piece of journalism, Lexie. I have been reading every update you write from my home in northeastern Connecticut. I am just 4 miles from the Univ of CT (UCONN) and also Eastern CT Univ (Eastern) and have been praying for these two campuses for years. I pray this Holy Spirit fire and wind will blow north and east to hover over these campuses. I am 60 years old and experienced revival in the 1970s so I know a little of what you are experiencing today. More Lord! More!

  9. There are many who are praying that God will move where they are. I earnestly am praying that God will move across our land. I am praying for revival to spread across His Body of believers.

  10. thanks for the update. This line really spoke to me: “We think we have to be making noise for Him to hear us. However, He hears us in the shouts but also in the silence. He still hears us whenever we don’t have the words or our hearts are in so much pain we can’t even speak. He still listens.” Thank you Jesus that you hear the silent cries of my spirit, that sometimes I am not even aware of.

  11. Outside of you area, there are a lot of “reports”.. And a lot of folks saying they are driving there to see it first hand.. I’m a bit against this, this is your revival, one need not travel to have revival. There are a lot of extravagant reports…

    “Well over 50 spontaneous, fully clothed, baptisms. Dozens of healings, people healed and/or baptized in the Holy Spirit (w/tongues) without anyone praying for them, demonic deliverances happening, testimonies of gender confusion being healed, spontaneous testimonies all morning, a person overcome by God while watching the Livestream while IN THE SHOWER! 😂 The list could go on and on.
    My favorite is the guy who said “I’m an atheist. I sit way in the back. But the God I don’t believe in just told me to come up here.” 😂
    We ran out of towels for baptism and we’re giving people table clothes to dry off with! ”

    From the articles I’ve read here in your paper they are the reverent, worship, submission, to God, via repentance and cleansing, and feeling Gods love..

  12. Randy… Valid points re the influx of folk. I watched an exchange between two of Asbury Seminary (not university) profs, and they briefly discussed the validity of ‘pilgrimage.’ Too much to discuss here, but very significant. Folk will always be drawn as pilgrims to powerful manifestations. And while the…’journey’…is valid, it is incomplete w/out the destination which in virtually every case is community. They also discussed ‘hospitality,’ and the fact that it almost always requires inconvenience and patience. Perhaps that is a part of the revival’s purpose for Asbury: to more fully understand and offer inconvenient hospitality in a world that is increasingly inhospitable…? At the same time, faculty and staff are wonderful shepherds of their study community. they are providing dedicated time and space for the the students.

    Re the reports you mentioned… My first concern: To my knowledge there are no such manifestations happening on campus. This is not that type of revival. Many have noted at the absence of such things, and instead are welcoming the ‘quiet and peaceful’ manifestations of earnest prayer, intercession, and sincere, Spirit-covered/protected worship. My other concern: We as Christians – particularly those who are NOT present on campus – must also do all we can to protect the integrity of the revival. In a digital age, it’s become too easy for anyone to say anything at any time, and to do so without any accountability. Should I come across some…sensationalized material, or those attempting to ‘hijack’ the revival to promote their own agenda(s), I will offer Christ-like correction, and then make sure I don’t in any way foster additional misinformation.

    Of most importance is for us – those witnessing from afar – to covenant together in ways that support what God is doing, and prayerfully hedge the campus and all folk there.

    Blessings and Peace to you and yours!

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