“He is enough” — the Asbury revival continues

“We want more of you and less of us.”

At the 32-hour mark, those words ring out across Hughes Auditorium as revival involving Asbury University and the Wilmore, Kentucky, community continues. To some, those words seem pretty counter-cultural.    

Typically, we’re told to think of ourselves more and prioritize ourselves and our wants and desires more. But this revival isn’t about us. It’s not about trying to recreate history. It has been and will continue to be all about Jesus Christ. 

Because, in the words of Asbury junior Dakota Poole, “He is enough.”

During a call of confession, at least a hundred people fell to their knees and bowed at the altar. Hands rested on shoulders, linking individual people together to represent the Body of Christ truly. Cries of addiction, pride, fear, anger and bitterness sounded, each followed by a live-changing proclamation: “Christ forgives you.”   

Wednesday chapel speaker Zach Meerkreebs admitted to those in attendance he didn’t know what the call of confession would look like, but this morning he spoke about seeing God not only as a Father but as a friend. Someone who won’t abandon you. Someone who will be there when you need to cry, mourn, rejoice, dance or anything in between. 

All of the above have occurred in Hughes within the past day and a half— and God isn’t finished yet. 

“He hears our cry for mercy,” Asbury junior Elise Terpstra said. “He brings complete, abundant healing and redemption.”

Testimonies and prayer have continued in between Spirit-led worship sessions. One painter even set up an easel to capture the essence of what Hughes has been like recently. There was even a deafening and intentional silence as people sat in their seats, lay on the ground or clung to each other to listen to what God wanted to tell them.

Currently, everyone worships: “Let us become more aware of your presence; let us experience the glory of Your goodness.”

There is a recognition of the present moment. No worry for the future, no shame of the past. 

Earlier today, I took a moment with some classmates in the basement of Hughes. We were supposed to have class, but instead, our professor invited us to come and reflect on what was occurring in chapel. 

It’s still hard to verbalize. I’ve had friends across state lines text and call me, wanting an explanation for how and why God chose now to come in this way. I admitted to all of them a phrase I usually despise: “I don’t know.” 

And honestly, none of us do. But just because we don’t know all the details of God’s plan or His timeline doesn’t eliminate that He still moves. He still shows up. Funny enough, it always seems to be right when we need Him. 

The night is no way near over from my perspective. As long as the Spirit calls for it, His children will remain here, allowing God’s overwhelming and holy love to fill hearts and touch souls. 

And for those who have messaged the Collegian, asking for prayer, healing and transformation across the country, we hear you. We see you. And so does God. 

We will continue to provide updates from Asbury’s campus. 

Executive Editor
  1. We are praying for you in Florida. For those who encountered Jesus mightily teach us! Teach the next generation, teach the churches, teach those who are cold and cannot remember what it was like to experience The Holy Spirit. Take over the leadership, like Elijah and Elisha, take on the mantle. Praying for all of you on Asbury campus!
    Keith. Asbury Theological Seminary 2014.

  2. I am from Portland Victoria Australia and have been looking at Gods moving at Asbury since 1905 and now! Wonderful faithful and merciful God!! There is non like you. Thank or Father for giving us your Son and sending the Holy Spirit!!!

  3. Amen and Amen! Thank you again, Lexie, for continuing to cover this event!! I have shared with others that the ‘size’ or level of participation isn’t nearly as important as lives being changed, and Father’s kingdom advancing. If but one – ONE individual comes away from this revival with a renewed mission, ministry, and service for The LORD God, then it will be cause to celebrate! May God The Father, Jesus The Son, and The Holy Spirit be glorified to the ends of the earth!

  4. The goodness of God showing up at our sweet Alma Mater!!! I was a sophomore in 1970 and witnessed the movement of God in our midst at Asbury. Having moved to Wilmore, upon retiring, we are beyond blessed. What joy is in my soul to hear about the ongoing chapel service where people are coming face to face with their Savior. He is healing His people and setting free the captive. Our nation needs healing as well as our culture. Go forth and speak of the goodness of our God.

  5. I’m a pastor, a graduate of the seminary, in a 2 point charge in SE Alabama. We’re about to vote on disaffiliation from the UMC. I had knee surgery 3 weeks ago and have been leading them from home mostly from bed. A small setback prolonged my recovery. Please pray for me to heal and all complications to subside. Lord, Jesus, heal me. I need you and you ARE enough.

  6. PTL! praying for an outpouring of “metanoia” – Godly sorrow over wrongs transformed into a passionate pursuit of God’s holiness & righteousness… Metanoite, for the Kingdom of God is near!

    praying for this move of God to become waves of repentance & redemption on every shore of every nation, tribe, tongue & people! Metanoia, may it be Lord Jesus! For Your Kingdom, glory & power!

  7. Thank You Jesus! A military doctor who died in a Blackhawk helicopter was later revived. He had been in Heaven and was with beauty, loving people, angels, and came back to say, “Jesus is Enough!”

  8. I heard about the 1970 one from a professor of mine during one of our classes a few years back here at MVNU. He told us about some of the things he saw and experienced there and I was just astonished at the movement of God and how the same God Who had moved in power in the Bible moved in power in the 70’s and has been and is moving now. I left the classroom and made a B-Line to a prayer room in my hall and fell to my knees in awestruck wonder of our God. Recognizing His power, glory, and majesty. He deserves our praise. He deserves our surrender. Let us receive with open hands and open hearts what God has for us right now but let us also surrender so that true freedom may be had. My soul praises the God of heaven and earth because He is good and He is here. Right now. Always has been and always will be. Praise be to Him. Amen. Whether I am there or not, that same spirit dwells in me and my heart rejoices with you. Keep my peers and I in your prayers, those who are on their way, going, not going, or are already there. Pray for those He is raising up for Himself.

  9. It is warming to the heart when God moves in such a way.
    Please add my mother to the prayer list. Her name is Flora for her salvation and her life. Doctors have let us know that she is at the end of her life. I believe, I need help believing as I should.

  10. dear family at asbury,
    this is such wonderful news! oh, we pray the Spirit continues to fall and work the beautiful transformative lifegiving power of God on every person who walks on that campus! we are praying for you all and look forward to more news of revival….what a joy for the future hope in the Body of Christ.
    delighting in His will and walking in His way,
    rebecca ed sparks
    pittsburgh, pa

  11. I have been praying for revival in my own heart. I was at the 1970 revival as a high school student and then attended Asbury. I’m committed to Jesus and his kingdom, but I too am praying for a fresh sense of his Holy Spirit and a renewed commitment to covenant with him. God is El Roi who sees our inner being. He SEES us and still loves us passionately. I have been looking for a spiritual awakening not necessarily in our nation but in our churches and among those who call themselves Christian. I praise God for the gift of his Holy Spirit and for the confirmation of his covenant with us.

  12. Hi, my name is Shelly Hamilton Webb from Montgomery, Alabama. I am an alumnus of the 2002 “Abiding” class. I wish I was there to experience what y’all are experiencing. My friends and I prayed and sought the Lord for revival like what happened in 1970 when we were students there. I remember praying in our dorm rooms and over Hughes Auditorium. Those were the happiest days of my life, and I have been praying for the Lord to bring me back to the days of my first love for Him like what I had as a student at Asbury. I confess I have been struggling with some jealousy about the revival y’all are experiencing that is part of God’s answer to the prayers we prayed twenty years ago, and I have had to ask God to forgive me for that. Will you please pray that the Lord will move is those of us who have graduated? We need to experience God’s revival, too. Grace and peace to you!

  13. It all starts when God’s people pray. In 1970 I was an undergrad student at another Christian college in Illinois. Our campus was in revival then, when 2 students from Asbury arrived with a simple message: ‘God has come to touch our hearts and lives. We’ve just come to tell you what God has done for us’. Word is spreading. Witness the work of the Holy Spirit–and rejoice.! God is in this place~

  14. PTL! Lexie! I rejoice with you. I was a student at Âsbury in 1970. I recently wrote part of my story for sharing in a booklet I am writing. Here is my recollection of that time. How glad I am to that your class and many others are experiencing such a Divine moment again.
    After my father’s death, I was given his life insurance benefits. Just having married, it came to me at a most needed moment. I was able to secure a mobile home near the campus of Asbury College, and enroll for the fall semester, 1969.
    Little did I know what amazing days lay just ahead.
    Lora Lyn had finished college recently and had secured a job in socal work in Lexington.
    I was serving the Jones Chapel church, driving to preach each weekend.
    All was going well. Fall quarter ended, we visited family for Christmas holidays, and Winter quarter began at Asbury.
    Then it was February,1970. You were allowed
    to miss three chapels a quarter. Chapel consisted of the usual format of a church service. Singing, prayers, a message. Often, speakers were notable person’s, such as
    Dr. E. Stanley Jones, or a famous Bishop, like
    Gerald Kennedy.
    On this particular snowy morning, Tuesday, 3
    February,1970, I was taking one of those three breaks from chapel attendance, allowed during a semester. Chapel was at 10 that morning. My class was immediately following at 11. I drove to the campus, parked, trudged through the snow to my class, expecting it commence at 11.
    As I sat in the empty class room, the minutes ticked by. After half an hour, and no one came, I was confused.
    I left the class, wandered over to the post office to get my mail.
    It was snowing heavily by then.
    No one was there to get the mail. It was so odd. Usually, after chapel, crowds rushed to check the mail boxes.
    One student came in, and I remarked that it was odd that no one was picking up their mail.
    He said, ” Something is happening at chapel services, it’s wonderful! ”
    And off he went!
    I stood wondering what to do???
    Finally, I thought, I will go see what’s happening.
    I trudged my way to the chapel in the now heavy snowfall, slipping in the back of the auditorium. I was awestruck with the scene. My classmates were lined up across the front platform, down the stairs, and into the aisle, awaiting a turn to speak.
    One by one, with tears and joy, sharing stories of renewed answers to prayer, fresh and vibrant awareness of the presence of the Lord, clear certainty of forgiveness of failures and sins. I sat spell bound as I listened to my friends, classmates, colleagues, class leaders, pouring out their hearts, one by one, and rejoicing in the wonder of knowing that were truly forgiven.
    I sat spell bound, and minutes slipped by, the dean announced no class that day or the next.
    Then it was six in the evening, we had been there for hours, as we sang praises to the
    Lord, interspersed with fresh testimonies of some new work of grace the Lord had done in someone’s life.
    I rushed home to tell my wife of this marvel of the movement of the Spirit.
    She couldn’t go because she had to be at
    work early the next day but she encouraged me to go. I returned to find the sanctuary filled to overflowing with people. It was amazing. Students from the college, seminary students from the nearby seminary, folk from
    nearby towns and communities, and then time seemed to stand still. The next time I remember looking at by watch, it was four in the morning. Wave after wave of joy, praise, Thanksgiving, weeping, shouts of joy, but no craziness or irrational behavior. I had never seen anything like this before. You could literally feel His presence when you walked into that chapel. This continued all that night, all the next day, and on for another five days .
    Such was the amazement, that the local television news sent reporters to cover the event, as hundreds began to pour into the village of Wilmore, Kentucky to share in this
    moment. They were profoundly affected, saying years later that their lives were changed in that place at that time. God was real to them.
    I took a group of young men and women with me to Jones Chapel, my country church, to share their testimony of what new experience they had with the Lord. Our altar was filled with people praying for God to do a new work in their lives.
    On the way back to Asbury College, in my car filled with students who had a Divine moment in those days, we listened to the car radio, the program featuring Billy Graham, called The Hour of Decision, and he told about the movement of the Holy Spirit on our campus.
    You Can’t Make This Stuff Up!

    1. It is to bad that you do not understand that this is not about religion. This is about a relationship. A relationship with the Creator of all the universe. Christianity is not about religion. It is about coming to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and having faith in Him. Trusting him to be in control of your life.

    2. but if it is a Christian college why could not a revival happen. Aren’t miracles supposed to happen in a religious institution, even a church? Don’t limit God and put Him into some kind of box.

    3. Only someone whose never encountered God would say this. I’m praying for you that God will profoundly meet you and reveal Himself to you, your family, and your first l friends.

    4. Whoa! That’s strong.
      I guess if colleges were for higher education, and not religion, then all but one of the Ivy League colleges would have never been founded. For the record, both Harvard and Yale were founded to train men for the Christian ministry. Consider researching the origins of the other Ivy League colleges.

    5. This is a PRIVATE CHRISTIAN college. If you want to comment on something, go address the indoctrination going on in colleges all across America. Enter as a young impressionable woman and come out a fairy tree who thinks all white men should unalive themselves. So please take your logical fallacy somewhere else.

    6. It’s a Christian university. There’s going to be a religious presence there. Even the secular colleges have Christian organizations.

    7. According to Asbury College’s website the vision statement for the college is: “Asbury is committed to academic excellence, spiritual vitality and lifelong impact for Christ.” Based on this statement, I would say this revival is exactly what should be happening at this particular college!

    8. What higher education can exist beyond that which teaches of the One that created all that exists?
      The truth is that higher education was birthed by theologians.

    9. There is no Higher Authority or Education than the Word of God. All authority, knowledge and Wisdom comes from Yahweh. We are in the terrible societal quandary of today because we have left the Authority of God’s Word and Will and instead put the folly of mankind’s limited knowledge as what is best. Well, we have gotten the best of man’s knowledge and it is so far away from God and his Truth that we have descended into paganistic idol making and satanic worship. Don’t believe me, just look around. May God soften your heart and call you to a new understanding of His Will for you and for Higher education.

    10. Asbury is a Bible believing university. The teaching of Christ is part of the education and having the TEACHER speak is the ultimate honor. God bless you and I pray He touches your heart.

    11. RF, perhaps you are not aware that Asbury is also a seminary, preparing candidates for ministry. If revival is not appropriate here, where is it?

    12. Jesus is not Religion … Religion is for those who want “a form of godliness but deny the power thereof, from such turn away” … Jesus is a living and real person .. and your and my only hope.

    13. Dear Rf, it’s not religion these students are after it’s a relationship with the creator of the universe! It’s almighty God, the Prince of Peace. He is the only one who can bring peace out of chaos, heal the broken hearted, mend broken relationships, set people free! I pray that this is the beginning of many revivals all across this nation. Churches across this land need to experience this same revival. Perhaps these young men and women will bring the fire back home to their own communities.

    14. This is a Christian seminary, training ministers. They were at a chapel service, which is their church worship service.

    15. What better education for us all then to be taught by the King of the Universe. He made all things. No higher education will ever compare to this. This is not religion. It is relationship.

    16. LOL! It’s a CHRISTIAN school; so get a grip on reality. Serving Christ is a Higher calling; not religion.
      May God bless this revival and spread coast to coast.

    17. I’m sad you don’t seem to see or experience the moving of the Holy Spirit! What better place for God to move in the hearts of young college students at a Christian University!

    18. Sir, this is not about “religion.” This is about the source of Truth, Jesus Christ. Without Him, our education is sadly lacking. I pray that you may come to know Him who claims to be the Only Way, the groundwork of all Truth and the source of all Life. And that in bowing to Him, you will find your way, be made free by the truth and live a life worth living. God bless you!

    19. God needs to be in all areas!!! The fact that we don’t include him is why things are in such a mess! Praise God for revival!!!

  15. Thank you for staying in there as God moves. Requesting a prayer for an Asbury Alumni who is not turned to God today. Her name is Julia. She is a good kid, and once was facing God, prayers for her to come home.

    Thank you

    1. The highest education comes from God. May Jesus give you eyes to see this and a heart that understands. He loves you.

    2. HI Jan, I have prayed for Julia, and may He bless her with His grace to come to Him quickly. I’m seeking to interview those who have witnessed this outpouring of His Holy Spirit. Are you a witness, and have you been there to see what is happening? Please reach out to me if you are. Thank you.

      Curt Vinson

    1. Hi Joe, I’m seeking to interview those who have witnessed this outpouring of His Holy Spirit. Are you a witness, and have you been there to see what is happening? Please reach out to me if you are. Thank you.

      Curt Vinson

  16. I am beyond blessed and will pray and pray this move of Holy Spirit will hover over other campuses all over these United States!

    1. Asbury continues to be a place and people that God chooses to touch, to heal and reveal, and to fill and cleanse and to empower His children, and to use them to overflow into this broken world, to touch, to heal and reveal, and to fill and cleanse and to empower His new children and His returning children in every place!

    2. Amen Sister Rose-Marie! I’m seeking to interview those who have witnessed this outpouring of His Holy Spirit. Are you a witness, and have you been there to see what is happening? Please reach out to me if you are. Thank you.

      Curt Vinson

  17. Dear RF,
    The highest education one can get is that of knowing and experiencing the love and forgiveness of God. God bless you.

  18. This is just amazing. Thank you Jesus. Show up whenever and where ever you want to and feel free to do whatever you want to do. After all You are God not us. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Don’t stop Lord. Please keep this going and may it spread across our entire nation and beyond. Thank You for You are the almighty everlasting Father. We bow before you because You are Lord and we don’t want anything less than all of You.

    1. Hi Jeff, I’m seeking to interview those who have witnessed this outpouring of His Holy Spirit. Are you a witness, and have you been there to see what is happening? Please reach out to me if you are. Thank you.

      Curt Vinson

  19. I pray that this mighty move of God will spread to every campus in the country and into our churches. We desperately need Him!

    1. What a true blessing to hear of how mightily God is moving. May this spread throughout our land!!!! He truly IS ENOUGH!!!

    2. Hi Tony, I’m seeking to interview those who have witnessed this outpouring of His Holy Spirit. Are you a witness, and have you been there to see what is happening? Please reach out to me if you are. Thank you.

      Curt Vinson

  20. Praise to Father God for his Presence and the out pouring of His Holy Spirit at Asbury. May this outpouring continue on campuses and in churches.

  21. God will not be kept in a box (called church)- He is breaking all the barriers …Revival is coming and it will not be stopped!

  22. This is wonderful news! Praying for this to be just the begining! Praise you Lord!! Let every heart be overwhelmed by Your presence. So thankful!

  23. This is such a blessing to hear. When God shows up there is love. There is acceptance. There is forgiveness.

    God is faithful to hear and answer prayer. His timing is perfect. We need His outpouring on our lives. May this regeneration of heart, mind, emotions and will continue for days, weeks and months.

    May this fire begin to spread to other communities across America, Canada and the world. Praying

  24. So thrilled to hear about this outbreak of the Holy Spirit. I am praying for it to continue and to spread. We need true revival in this land!
    Please help me pray for a loved one who needs freedom in Christ. Pray that chains will be broken!!

  25. For 25 years I led a prayer ministry in Scotland which God spread to other countries, The Telephone Prayer Chain Ministry. It continues today. This wonderful outpouring of the Holy Spirit is an answer, not only to our prayers, but to the prayers of God’s people around the world. We continue to pray that God will by His Holy Spirit move in power around the world, Thank you for your obedience and faithfulness.

  26. This is the answer to our country’s fall from grace. Where better to begin than young hearts who are hungry for more.

  27. How refreshing to see how the Holy Spirit works in genuine repentance, humility, and revival. We have seen too much of the counterfeit “revivals” in the United States. I have been in a genuine revival, and it is always marked by a full surrender and repentance before the Lord. It’s a recognition that truly we have been crucified with Christ, buried in baptism, and raised up in newness of life to be seated with Christ in heavenly places. I have watched and been a part of not only receiving forgiveness, but going to those that we have offended and asking forgiveness. the narcissistic, self-centered culture of today resists this essential reception of the work of the Holy Spirit to cleanse, heal, and deliver from bondage. All glory and praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ.

  28. I am honored to be the mother of a freshman at Asbury and overjoyed that God has spontaneously come to Hughes Hall. Beyond words that my daughter gets to be there to see this move of the Lord!! HALLELUIAH ALL GLORY TO THE LAMB THAT WAS SLAIN ANS RISEN!

  29. Please pray for Tim. Stage 4 cancer. Please pray for Micah, a preacher’s son with autism. Please ask God to warm my cold heart and help me turn over all of me to Him. Please pray for Matthew Thomas, a very young cancer cancer patient. He is around 10 years young.
    If you have time please pray for my head. I have stage 4 melanoma. I have heart, skin, feel and leg problems. There is a chance both my legs might soon be amputated. I pray God will never let me be a burden to care for by my wife or anyone else. Please Lord, bring me to you. I don’t deserve coming to Heaven except for Your love for me and Y sacrifice on the crioss to pay for my sins. Bill Laycock
    Lord, please hear my prayers that I pray to you daily for family and friends. Thank you. If You weren’t the Magnificent God of All, our prayers would useless. Thank you.

  30. Pray that I can become free. I am 75 and have been crying out to God since I was 15. I am a born again Christian and have been free of any sexual acts since 2015.

  31. My husband was a student at Asbury Seminary during the great revival in 1970. I was privileged to attend one of the days. God chooses those who are willing to be a conduit for him. I have been praying for divine intervention is our county. May this revival be a manifestation of our prayers. PRAISE THE LORD!!

  32. Praise God for entering our college campuses. I was saved at a college campus 51 years ago. Continued prayers for revival to break out across our fallen country. Thank you, Lord!

  33. This is a sweet sound to my soul. God has been telling us through His prophets for a while now that the third great awakening will be in our children and young people. I am just praising God for the evidence.
    Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us all Lord. We need you. We want you. Come Lord breathe into us your Life.
    Praise you Jesus.

  34. Glory to the Highest. Please pray for my senior son there. He has been wandering and seeking. Please, Abba, don’t forget him.

  35. To Rf and others that want to reply in same way, Praise God that Jesus is not religion, in fact He was and is just the opposite, you will find this revelation in the gospels…He is the Highest of heart and spirit and all education! There is no other way to true peace and joy and love… and I am over 50, living for Him over 30 years, still growing and learning in His Spirit, and even in the midst of experiencing major health issues as never before, I KNOW He is my joy, my peace, my salvation, my best Friend through the tough and mountanous times as well as the seemingly easy and valley ones. Praying for you Rf and all.

  36. Praise God! Doing a mighty thing, “for such a time as this!” Father God, rain down upon All campuses with your Holy Spirit ! Hallelujah!

  37. I attended the seminary from 1973 until 1976, just after the revival in 1970 and knew people who’d experienced that revival. I read “One Divine Moment” and I, like many other graduates of Asbury, have been praying for over fifty years for this very moment.

    Then yesterday I was sitting with my wife eating lunch and the news of a revival at Asbury popped up on my iPad… I was bathed in the presence of the Holy Spirit as I began to cry and thank God for the answer to a great many prayers!

    Thank you Lord!

  38. It is awesome to read the reports of how the Holy Spirit is moving in the hearts and minds of students and faculty as well. Praying especially for the young people who so desperately need Him.

  39. Abba we love you, Jesus we love you, Holy Spirit we love you… we trust You. Do all that is in Your heart ❤️‍🔥

  40. I saw a comment where “College should be for higher education, not religion. If you want religion go to your church.” There can be no off limits for coming to Christ and the college and students will be better off for it. Amen

  41. I’m so thankful to God for coming in such a mighty way to Wilmer Ky. I was in school there working to earn my Master’s degree in the the late 1980’s. The anointing was still there the time He revealed Himself to many over the years. I experienced Him in many ways on many days as I attended class and study groups. We learned that the Asbury way was one of sacrifice. It was said of Asburyian’s “They will go and serve anywhere regardless of the lack of benefits.” I rejoice God is manifesting Himself there again now.

  42. Praise God! Such a beautiful story, and these days when we are bombarded with negativity, isn’t it remarkable to read something where people come together in love? Thank you so much for sharing this; it has warmed my heart and breathed light into me. I own a website called http://www.testimoniesandmiracles.com, and Lord willing, I’ll be traveling up there from Houston, TX. next week to do some live interviews with those who have experienced what has happened, and then I’m off to the next revival as they seem to be happening all around the country at colleges. Wow! If you are a witness to these events, please feel free to contact me on the website. THANK YOUI!

  43. Hallelujah! Thank You, Jesus! Amen!

    We celebrate with y’all as Jesus moves in, among, and through those who have called upon His name.

    We pray that not only those at the altar, but also those experiencing trauma (those in Turkey and Syria) have Supernatural Encounters with The Lord Jesus! Being encompassed with Peace, Hope, Love, Forgiveness, Healing, and Joy!

    Hallelujah! Thank You, Jesus! Amen

  44. God is the Sovereign of heaven and earth and He can do what He wills in the armies of heaven and the inhabitants of the earth and none can stay his hand nor say to him, What doest thou? Though the wrong seems oft so strong God is the ruler yet. Even so come quickly, Lord Jesus. Yes Christ Jesus alone is our only hope of eternal life for all of God’s children (elect) who has redeemed us by His blood out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation. May we lift up our heads and hearts for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.

  45. This is beautiful. I pray revival breakers out worldwide in schools and churches everywhere! We cry out more Lord!! Thank you for your prayers and dedication to wanting more of the Lord!

  46. Thank you lord for love and for your grace. Pour out your spirit and love. So wonderful to see amongst the younger generations. Is for all generations all nations. Thank you heavenly father.

  47. HALLELUJAH 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 My husband, George and I got saved in July 1974.. September 7 th George was delivered of alcoholism..all 3 of our children ( 16, 15and 10)were saved in September ..the next year we were all baptized in the Holy Spirit..we were all very much involved in the Jesus Movement .In the 80’s our children married believers and are still married..or grandchildren married believers and we now have 5 great-grandchildren..we are so thankful for the move of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit going on all over the world especially in the colleges..PTL ♥️

  48. This is what we have been praying for….that our heart would be hungry for the presence of God and His holiness. I believe I went through a time of judgment for a while and at one point had said, God please just let me die.. I was so empty of all passion, any desire for God, just numb of all purpose for life…it was worse than actually being dead, then gradually I began sensing His love and presence again for the first time in a long time…my heart had grown so cold, yet His love melted away all the dullness and His presence means more to me than any thought of ministry…He has become my sole goal to love Him and Him at first place in my life…thank You, God for Your mercy and grace to me , and to all your church. Bring us into that place of holiness, where we desire You alone..from the youngest of us to the oldest…let us burn with passion for You and You alone…then we will truly be able to love one another the way You commanded us to in Your word…hallelujah!

  49. May it be so.. We hunger for fresh Fire✝️ Create in us a clean heart .. Renew a right Spirit within us .. Cast us not away from your presence O Lord . restore a right Spirit within us .. Your will be done Amen 🙌🏻

  50. My spirit leaps inside my chest!!! I love seeing God Almighty moving in this way! He loves us and is drawing us closer to heaven. He is pouring out his spirit in a way like never before. Thank you Jesus!!

  51. My heart sings this morning! In my 84 years I have experienced revival myself. That is what has fuelled my prayer walks round my local university for many years. Once you have tasted the presence of God, nothing else can satisfy. Oh God, please visit my city also!

  52. Thank you for posting about this wonderful blessing from the Holy Spirit. Was once a common scene at our colleges and universities. Praying it will sweep our way again. Have always appreciated Asbury College.

  53. Love seeing this I’m over joyed and can’t explain enough about what’s going on here haven’t been there in person but my husband did he got to go and he took Isaiah house today but I got to watch on line and through the news and so fourth …All I got to say is that GOD IS ON THE MOVE

  54. How wonderful to hear of this descent of the Glory cloud again over your campus. I have a video of the 1970 revival that was birthed by the prayers of students gathering and seeking a deeper walk with the Lord through the Holy Spirit. Praise God for the way so many of your lives are being profoundly touched and transformed!

  55. Praying along with you from Kuala Lumpur for the Spirit to continue His work in saving and redeeming many many more.

  56. Praise God almighty. He has heard our prayers for revival! I agree with these students and their cries from the heart. Oh, Father, keep it going!!!

  57. 💗🔥💗✝️Acts 2:1 (KJV) And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.Acts 2:2-4 (KJV) And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
    And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.
    And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.💗🔥💗✝️

  58. Alexandra,

    Thank you for sharing. As I read, I am brought to tears. My heart rejoices for the work of God being done at your school and it yearns for a similar work to be done at my school. Glory be to Him. : )

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