Taken by Alexandra Presta

Leave the labels to history and watch God work

I know a young woman, Gracie, a talented student who, by her admission, turned her back on God. 

“Yeah, I know, I know,” was her typical response to any attempt to reintroduce her to Jesus.  

Then, Feb. 8 happened, and as day turned into night and night turned back into day, Gracie sat in Hughes Auditorium and wept.  

At that moment, she surrendered her life to Jesus Christ. Then, Sunday night, this quiet young woman who makes barely a peep in class stood up – weeping again – and gave a testimony before an auditorium filled mostly with strangers. A few days later, she was baptized. She subsequently shared her testimony on national television.  

Did Gracie experience a revival, an awakening, or something else? The better question is who opens the eyes of the blind and raises the dead? Because that’s what happened to Gracie and to all of us who have been saved by grace. We’ve gone from darkness to light, from death to life. This is the work of God, a God who runs out to meet the Prodigal, a God who sent his son to save us. 

In a culture obsessed with labeling events and people in order to place them into categories for rejection or acceptance, participants, pundits, and bystanders are working overtime to figure out what to call what is happening on Asbury’s campus. “Is this a revival?” the headlines ask. Some, including CNN, have called it “a nonstop worship service.” Social media is replete with debate about whether this should or shouldn’t be called a revival. Others settled on “revival” almost immediately. 

Ultimately, future generations and history will apply the label, as President of Asbury Theological Seminary Timothy Tennent pointed out. “Only if we see lasting transformation which shakes the comfortable foundations of the church and truly brings us all to a new and deeper place can we look back, in hindsight and say ‘yes, this has been a revival.’” 

In the meantime, here’s what I know. The thousands who have come in anticipation and desperation to experience the hope found only in Jesus don’t really care what it’s called.  

What we’re seeing is miraculous. Yes, Wilmore is bursting at the seams but let’s step back for a moment and see this for what it is – a divine act of an initiative-taking God to change the lives of men and women forever. 

As I sit in Hughes balcony and watch lives being transformed or walk around campus, as I did Saturday, and see lines stretching for more than half a mile to get in the building, I try to appreciate what’s happening. It’s challenging to do this sometimes, which makes us not unlike Jesus’ disciples, who watched him perform miracle after miracle and still didn’t quite get the picture. This should encourage us.  

Immediately after Jesus fed the four thousand with seven loaves and a few fish, they forgot to bring bread for their boat trip. In Mark 8:15, Jesus warns them, “Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod.” The disciples then got together to figure out what Jesus was talking about. Their conclusion in verse 16: “It is because we have no bread.” This is sort of akin to watching thousands give their lives to Christ and complaining there’s no place to park which, I confess, I have done.  

Whatever this is or has become, let’s remember that it began with a small group of students who lingered after chapel. This is pure, unplanned, organic. No big-name speakers or musicians, no pyrotechnics, no outreach. This is not a performance. It is, however, a chorus of forgiven sinners crying out in thanksgiving to an almighty God. It is, as Asbury President Kevin Brown called it, “a beautiful, historic moment of spiritual renewal.” 

I’m well aware that “Asbury Revival” is trending on social media. It even has its own Wikipedia page. But let’s leave the categorization where it belongs; with history.  

In a week or two, campus will look more familiar. The crowds and the lines will be gone. But many of us will be forever impacted by what we experienced and witnessed. Don’t try to define it. I know that Gracie isn’t preoccupied trying to describe what happened to her. She knows only that she had an encounter with Jesus, and that’s all she needs to know. It’s all that really matters. 

Rich Manieri is a journalism professor at Asbury University, a writer, and a faculty advisor to the Asbury Collegian. 

  1. God’s Healing at Asbury

    My name is Shelly, and I am an alumnus of the Abiding class of 2002. God called me to go to Asbury College (now Asbury University) when I was in high school, 1997. When I came for my visit with my parents, I sensed the presence of the Lord strongly, and I absolutely knew that was where the Lord had called me to go to college. The first three years were wonderful, and I had friends with whom I felt such kinship. For the most part I agreed with almost everything Asbury taught theologically. However, one of the doctrines where we differed ended up shaking my faith for almost a decade. The enemy used my personal insecurity and fear of losing my salvation to cause me to doubt God’s love for me and that I could trust in His salvation. I ended up associating that fear and ultimately anger with Asbury. A few weeks ago the Lord started taking me through a process of forgiveness, and He had me forgive the people whom I felt had injured my faith. This was my fifth journey back to Asbury since I graduated in 2002. This was the first time in 21 years that I felt like I was part of the Asbury family. I wept, as I felt like I received love from this part of my family unlike I have experienced before. I felt so proud watching my younger brothers and sisters leading the way. God did a genuine work of healing in my heart tonight!

  2. As they did when Jesus was making His love and power known when still in the flesh, the crowds gew and began to cry out, “Sirs we would see Jesus”

  3. I’m praying this “visitation” of the Holy Spirit becomes a “habitation” (words from a griend of mine) of the Holy Spirit both beyond our hopes for extended time as is now happening & a habitation that lives on in us, including me, permanently. God is in this outpouring!

  4. I felt compelled to go to Asbury on the 6th day of worship to pray for my son diagnosed with a rare incurable disease AL Amyloidosis, a very debilitating life changer. I went, I prayed, I worshipped and I definitely felt the personal presence of the Holy Spirit in Hughes Chapel. I told a young college student praising next to me he gave me hope for my grandchildren. To see the college generation in complete, sincere worship is what summoned the Holy Spirit to this place. All ages, race and religion were present. Thank You Lord Jesus for giving me the privilege to be a part of this Awakening.

  5. Such a blessing. OUR GOD REIGNS! I am the product of the 1970 revival..I have been serving and loving Jesus ever since! Serving Jesus is truly life changing for those who are part of this. ! I’m 81 years old now and I thank Jesus every day for His life He sacrificed for me!

  6. How the Aloha Prayer Group stumbled onto Asbury University in March of 2022 is a story of itself, but here is just a portion:
    We were here at the invitation of Prof. Jim Shores and Carol Anderson. Our seven-member group was to meet with the two staff members at a smaller cafe that wasn’t large enough for our venue so we trapsed onto the campus to the cafeteria. A chance meeting with Pres. Kevin Brown was a true divine appointment.
    We later toured the building housing the theatre before heading to Hughes Auditorium for prayer. Healing requests were acknowledged and settled into prayer for revival on the campus as we spent the previous day praying to open the old wells at Cane Ridge. Further adventures to Red River and Gasper River found similar prayers from the Aloha Group.
    Fast forward to the current time when on Feb. 1 our group headed to the Hawaiian Islands, the namesake of our group, and on the 9th, we headed to the Big Island. Gathering groceries, we stumbled on a couple attached to YWAM (Youth With A Mission) and they invited our group to a gathering of praise and worship on Monday the 12th. Later that day, we received word of the revival on the Asbury University campus and the looks on our faces as we understood the move of the Holy Spirit.
    During the Monday night service, we were informed of a group from YWAM flying to Lexington to be with the students attending Asbury U.
    This is a story of divine appointments only the Holy Spirit can direct. Our prayers are with all who read this message and for all who have been blessed by the wonders of our magnificent Savior, Jesus Christ.

  7. Beautiful to see God pour out His Love, Grace. and Mercy!! Wish I could be there! God is still at work.
    Acts 2:17, In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people; your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.

  8. Thank you SO much for writing this. There is so much wisdom being shared by you students of Asbury. The Church (including me) needs to take a note out of your book and be willing to let go of preconceived ideas and come humbly come before Christ and worship Him.

    I pray we continue to hear of the impact this has had on your college for, what I believe, will be years to come that will change the shape and culture of the college for future students. This is just the beginning of real-life change for you all.

    Many blessings from New Zealand!

  9. I appreciated the tone of this article and the intent to keep us focused on the pure move of God and not on labels and categories. May God use His move on all who experienced this. DH

  10. God’s work can not understood by non believers. It is beyond believers’ understanding. Like the blind man said, “This I know. I was blind but now I see”. It is God pouring out HIS love on sinful man.

  11. Absolutely agree with you. No labels. God is working. He doesn’t need us to put Him in a box. He calls us all to come to Him, to experience Him again & again, to trust & obey Him. May the desparation of our times turn us to our Only Hope. And may He produce in us fruit that will last.

  12. Thank you for adhering and remaining true to God’s authentically simplistic move among the students and youth! The purity in the youth’s response to Holy Spirit is inspiring and causes those of us who are older to get back to the basics of our relationship with Jesus!

  13. I think this is Great, the young people of our country need hope, in a society that has become very twisted. They are seeking the only true hope, Jesus. My prayers go out to them. My the grace of God and the love of our Lord Jesus be with them always.

  14. Praise God for His Mightiest. What a movement of the Holy Spirit! God is on the move in the hearts of people. Let this outpouring of repentance change you forever. He is Alive and lives with in you!

  15. What a great article. No earthly words are available to describe what is happening In Asbury and across the globe. The Holy Spirit is pursuing us. It’s harvest time. I’m so encouraged to see this happening in our youth. I pray that my adult children will return to their faith and then raise our grandchildren in the faith.

  16. I know labels can be limiting, but in sharing with friends this move of God, the only word that fits for me is “river.” Specifically, “The River of The Water of Life” that flows from the Throne of God … as described in Revelation.

    This River is gentle, warm and inviting, yet very deep and life-changing in the Holy Spirit. It’s wide enough for all to soak in, allowing a variety of expressions and changes within and without, sustained by the power of God now and in the coming generations.


  17. I have been praying for the Lord Jesus to renew His American Church for years. So grateful to have been a witness (from a far) to what’s been happening at Asbury. After experiencing an individual renewal as well as transformation in 2003, I’ve prayed for both friends and family to whole heartedly seek out the Lord Jesus for themselves. What’s been shared above, aligns with what I have also tasted – liberty, true life and right relationship with the Lord Jesus. Praying for a continued transformation of our Nation.

  18. I’ve been watching this on YouTube and praising God. When one is touched by the Holy Spirit you will fall in love with Jesus. This happened to me around 1970 while alone in my home hungering to find Jesus and reading in Romans.

  19. Amen, Well said. Proud of your generation looking for purity by way scripture not oral tradition. Our Lord delights in those who trust in Him!

  20. I want to touch on this partyou wrote “No big-name speakers or musicians, no pyrotechnics, no outreach”

    I know you’re highlighting that it wasn’t planned but at the same time it’s like you’re making a statement against big name preachers and worship teams it’s like saying “let’s not have apostle Peter” when he was a powerful apostle. If people are well known for being used by god that should be a good thing.

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