Revival strikes Asbury once again

I have been in Hughes Auditorium for almost twelve hours now without an intent to leave anytime soon. 

Peers, professors, local church leaders and seminary students surround me— all of them praying, worshipping, and praising God together. Voices are ringing out. People are bowing at the altar, arms stretched wide. A pair of friends cling to each other in a hug, one with tears in her eyes. A diverse group of individuals crowd the piano and flawlessly switch from song to song. Some even sit like me, with laptops open. No one wants to leave. 

No one even expected this to happen. Not on a random Wednesday for sure. Yet, we sit and sing about God’s love pouring out and His goodness. 

As a senior, I have never witnessed anything like this. I’ve heard about it from alumni, especially those who have come to chapel and spoken about their experience with the Revival of 1970. December graduate Elle Hooper agrees with me. 

“I am one of many who have been praying for this since my freshman year,” Hooper said. “To be here and witness to this is life-giving.”

There have been moments of testimony, Scripture reading and prayer, private and public — whatever the Spirit felt like doing. Different leaders like chapel speaker Zach Meerkreebs and campus pastor Greg Haseloff worked to keep the day flowing as long as God intended it. Pizza, snacks, water and coffee rejuvenated the energy around dinner time and after the sunset.  

This experience is a true testament to show God’s timing. He knew when we as a student body and as a community needed a day like today. To confess, reconcile, heal and allow prayers to be spoken over us — He knew what we needed to do and helped us do it. He is still present even as I type these words; honestly, it is hard to describe everything I am feeling, much like my friends sitting around me. 

Part of me is filled with nothing but gratitude. We have sung the popular song by Brandon Lake more than once, but the truth of the lyrics hit every time: “So I throw up my hands, and praise You again and again ’cause all that I have is a hallelujah.”

I have embraced friends, cried with strangers and overall felt more connected to God than I have in a long while. And I am only one person, one witness to healing and transformative action taking place on the carpets, against the walls, and between the wooden rows of seats. 

Junior Abigail Glei said she felt peace about the sovereignty of God. “He is teaching me to believe that He is in control and that I don’t need to worry.”

Senior Ashley Schumacher described feeling the weight of the Holy Spirit the second she re-entered Hughes after chapel had been dismissed. 

In a moment of testimony, junior Andrew Seamands shouted, “God is so awesome!”

Another student Andrew Johnson spent hours in Hughes and found himself being reminded about how “it’s okay to be vulnerable and emotional.” 

Freshman Kiara King told the Collegian she felt a push from God tonight. “He gave me the push to keep going and to truly know He has me on the right path,” she said. 

No matter what anyone has been through or how God spoke to them individually, there was a collective understanding that it was time to surrender, pray and keep worshipping. 

It doesn’t seem like the night is planning to end anytime soon. A friend in Tennessee Facetimed me in the middle of worship because “I had to see for myself what God was doing.” 

Come and see. It’s surely an unbelievable sight that will stir your heart. The Collegian will provide updates as the revival continues officially throughout the night and tomorrow morning on Feb. 9, 2023, at 11 a.m.  

Executive Editor
  1. Thank you for sharing about this movement of the Holy Spirit. I join with you from Missouri and pray for an awakening among God’s people and in our world.

    1. Thank You JESUS!! I have been praying for the Body of Christ to be touched & awakened by the Holy Spirit for some time now.
      I am thrilled to see those of us who have been praying for that to see Father Move!
      Blessings on you all! He is AWESOME!!!

  2. Thank you for your GREAT article. Keep witnessing about the great things God is doing.!!
    Love you….Joe PS I was there yesterday. Praise God!!

  3. Joining you (both of us there in 1970!) in spirit and with great joy to see God “do it again”……..may the fire sweep through this whole broken world!

    1. Your article (in which I read twice) made me feel I was in the midst of the THIS gathering. I am right here at my kitchen’s table in South Carolina. God is AWESOME! Continue to spread the GOOD news. Looking forward to reading more of your articles. AGAPE!

    1. Dr. Gyerston,
      You are one of the most Godly men I’ve ever met. You truly are a man after God’s own heart. Jesus radiates from you without even a word spoken. I know because I’ve stood in your presence and, yet, I knew it was Jesus radiating from you.

      Also, through your spoken word, Jesus is experienced first and foremost. It was decades ago when you were President of AU, you held a “New Beginnings” Revival across the street at the Free Methodist Church. I’ve never forgotten the message on the Potter. My Bible is underlined and I still have notes in the margin and on paper from that sermon. I was filled with God’s wisdom and hope, transforming my life!!

      I pray each person who is encountering the HS in this present revival at Asbury, surrenders completely to God. In so doing, each will become a lifelong man or woman after God’s own heart. This changes people by the HS presence and power for the sake of the Kingdom of God. Yes & Amen.

  4. When I read the lyrics you posted, I felt God’s presence all over me. One of my favorite songs that we sing at church … so powerful and always hard for me to quit singing it. Praying God’s anointing continues to flow …..

  5. “I raise a Hallelujah…death is defeated, the King is alive!” I was a senior and in chapel that glorious day in Feb. 1970 when the palpable and “heavy” weight of the presence of the Holy Spirit fall on all of us. A girl’s trio sang, “Fill My Cup, Lord” and soon after, the Women’s Glee Club choir stood around the downstairs and balcony perimeters and sang “When I Survey.” I had chills, recognizing The Presence in an unusual way. And when Dean Reynolds opened the chapel to testimonies, the deluge began!!! Who of us who were there that week even remembers when we left to grab a quick bite to eat (no food was provided in Hughes), or to sleep a couple of hours? We were compelled – totally captivated – to be in His Presence more and more. I was standing the foyer the morning the news crew arrived. Stomping up the stairs to remove the snow from their shoes, the cameramen and newsman came in, not quietly. I watched, somewhat amused. They stopped in their tracks and just looked around. I asked the newsman, “What are you feeling right now?” He wasn’t able to answer. I told them, “Well, if you’ve never been in God’s Presence the way He is manifesting Himself in there (pointing to the doors into the auditorium) be ready to hold onto your equipment because your knees could buckle.” They stayed for several hours. And it was true – we had to hold onto the pews often as we walked. The weight of Glory!!!!

    1. Fabulous article! I was there, a senior at seminary from Memphis. YES It was the GLORY of God. Isaiah 6!
      Anxious to hear if classes are called off today on Friday 2-10.
      pray the weekend will find hundreds of Glory Carriers spreading this revival as it intensified across America. LETS PRAY THIS SUNDAY in our Churches, we’ll see evidence of a third Great Awakening🙏🙏🙏

  6. As an Asbury Journalism alum, I appreciate this reporting on several fronts. Joining alums from around the world in covering the entire Asbury community in prayer.

  7. Awesome! Fifty-three years and five days after the 1970 Asbury College Revival, there is another revival on the Wilmore, Kentucky campus of Asbury University. Praise the Lord! I have prayed that my Alma Mater since 1978 would have another revival that would affect the world as the 1970 revival did and more. Please keep your alum informed about what is happening there in Wilmore, Kentucky.

  8. Hallelu-YAH! The 1970 revival touched many of us who were then students on campuses across the USA. As a university student about 2,000 miles from Asbury and one of hundreds of outcomes from that revival, I was cleansed, purified, and filled with the Spirit. We glorify the LORD with you and will follow, proclaim, and trust the Holy Spirit for more! Grace and shalom in Yeshua Messiah!

  9. Praying with you from Texas! I ask for our church voting on disaffiliation on 2/23 and for God to move through all our churches! And, I ask for prayer for health concerns and for revival in San Angelo, TX! Praise Jesus!

  10. This is so amazing to hear and I have been praying and hoping for this since I was a junior there. This is exactly what the students and the campus needs and God is going to amazing things in their lives. I am touched by the knowledge that this is happening again.

  11. This is the exact kinds of events I would love to hear more about in the media. How very uplifting and encouraging this news brings into this dark world that is becoming so worldly and ungrateful to our Lord the creator of all we are and have. I pray Ms. Presta, that God will use you in powerful ways in your journalism to bring these hope-filled stories to life in the media for all to learn from and see what a mighty God we serve.

  12. I am praying for you from South Carolina. I was in the Mariner Class (1959-) and especially enjoyed the 1970 experience. God is so good. He has once again opened the floodgates of Heaven. Enjoy and be abundantly blessed.
    Ray Patrick, Major

    From Southern Oklahoma!

  14. What a blessing this is to read. I was a student at Asbury in 1995 when revival broke out. It was marked by students, faculty and staff publicly confessing areas of sin they had been struggling with. It was so refreshing to see lives being transformed by letting go of shame and regret that had held them in captivity long. I was one of those individuals. The revival lasted for several days where Hughes Auditorium was filled night and day with not only the Asbury community but also others who were hearing about what God was doing and wanted to see it for themselves. Students from other universities came to campus and then went back to their campus and brought that hunger for revival to their campus. It was a beautiful, life changing time in so many lives. I will never forget it and am so very glad to hear that it is happening again. Thank you for sharing what He is doing and how you are responding. Praise God!

  15. I was in Kenya East Africa during the 1970 revival and all it took was the Africa Gospel Church hearing about the revival at Asbury and a spontaneous revival broke out in the church and souls were won into the Kingdom all over Kenya. There are many of us who have been praying for years that a revival break out in America with no limits on how He should bring it to pass.
    Dr. Dennis Kinlaw said after the 1970 revival that every generation should have the opportunity to witness a revival like that and our Lord has selected the revival to take place again at Asbury. Praise His glorious name. Maybe he might be able to hang over the banisters of Heaven and see what God has performed in answer to his wish. I hope so. I loved him and Elsie so much and miss them greatly.

  16. I just came back from spending the day over there. What is going on is just beautiful! There are students whose lives are being changed forever. Jesus cried one time over Jerusalem because “they did not recognize the time of their visitation.” Let’s not do the same. PLEASE be praying into what the Lord is doing….come if you can and, UNBUCKLE your seat belt. It is such a joy to see what God is doing.

  17. Thanks so much for sharing this with the rest of the Body of Christ. May the revival spread across the nation. We are so thirsty for God’s presence!

  18. Our youngest daughter is a graduate of Asbury, and her husband a graduate of Asbury Seminary. They are serving the Lord in Ministry, Bible teaching, Support work, Bible Quizzing and much more. Their son, our grandson, Matthew, is currently a Freshman at Asbury. He and our daughter have kept us updated about the Revival. The news overcame me with emotions not experienced for a long time. I am so thankful that our grandson is a student at Asbury experiencing the Revival that God is providing now. I am overwhelmed with tears of wonder, joy and hope for the future. The Holy Spirit in action is truly demonstrating the love, power and sovereignty of God.

  19. Reading about this powerful move of God all the way from San Diego, CA, believing and praying for a move of God to sweep over His people as you’ve so beautifully and passionately described it in this article. Thank you, God, for your presence in our lives and the lives of all who are called by your name. Draw us to repentance, and empower us with your Holy Spirit.

  20. Wow! Collegiate Day of Prayer is on right now, praying for 40 Days of Prayer leading up to February 23, 2023! The devotional is about Asbury!!!!! Day 23 “For now is the time to seek the Lord, that He may come and shower righteousness upon you.” Hosea 10:12 Matthew Henry said, “When God is about to extend great mercy toward His people He first sets them to prayer.” It was 1970, exactly 53 years ago, that the famed Asbury Revival began. During one of the prayer meetings, Jeanine Brabon sensed the “glory of God” and knew God was coming to campus.” What??? Thank You, Jesus! We love You.

  21. Praise God! He has answered the prayers of many as the Holy Spirit is pouring into lives. Change us oh God! Draw us nearer and we say yes to Your will and plan!
    We are in Pennsylvania & OMS missionaries to the Great Lakes of Africa.

  22. Following with great interest and praying for young friends who are currently students at Asbury. As 1987 graduates now serving the Lord in Japan, we are praying for revival here, too!

  23. February of 1970… an Asbury team came to Anderson Indiana, to South Meridian First Church of God. Three days in, my college roommate convinced me to “come and see!” what God was doing! It was like nothing I’d ever witnessed before, this definitely wasn’t church as usual. My life was ruined for His Presence, from that day on! Nothing was ever the same. Oh the glorious Love that was poured out upon us! I spent many weekends traveling with teams sent out from Indiana. We traveled to cities like Cincinnati, Chicago, and to small town and country churches. Young and old alike went out together, age didn’t matter to share this outpouring of divine Love. We all were experierencing miraculous changes in our lives, and had to share with others! Every time Holy Spirit showed up in both outrageous love and power. The testimonies are endless! Things that divide just fell away! There were city hall prayer meetings at noon daily, people were so hungry to know Jesus! And what I’ve shared here was just the beginning!
    So excited to hear this beautiful report of what God is doing again! As then and again now, to God be the glory!

  24. I have been praying that God would send a revival somewhere for a long time. It is amazing to think that God sent it again to Hughes. I am a college student myself, currently attending Morehead State University. I would love to have the opportunity to come to a life-changing event such as this. From the accounts that I have read of the 1970 revival that occurred at Hughe, it is a blessing to see it break out in this generation. Hopefully, if the revival continues, I will plan to come. I want to experience the love of God in its fullness.

  25. A close friend sent me this link, it’s now 11:47 pm, l am rejoicing in what l read, l am a Baptist pastor and have been praying for one more revival, to me it doesn’t matter where it starts or how long it goes on, the fact that is that it is happening, l thank God for what is going on at Asbury, may it continue,may it grow a d may God get the glory.

  26. I am so blessed and moved in my spirit as I read this from India. May the fire of GOD move across Nations and continents. There is no denying that WE are the move of GOD- HIS mouth, hands and feet.
    GOD bless you all.

  27. I am in Wisconsin and it is as if I am there. I can’t escape God today It is so intense there are times I want to but I can’t . I am totally in the moment. I can[t ex[lain but that is ok. It is between me and God as it is for everyone in their own personal way who is in this Revival Oh God let it spread across our nation and the world.

  28. “the weight of glory” sending the precious anointing of the Holy spirit as i write from Christchurch New Zealand .. praying for a mighty outpouring again ( at 75 i was part of the 60’s /70’s move .. Abraham set out for the promised land at 75 .. now my part is interceding for young warriors .. expectant..
    Lois Bellingham Christchurch new Zealand

    1. Hey Paul:
      That is my understanding as well.
      Here are the 11 signs that you are born again that will indicate that you are truly saved and on your way to heaven.
      You Stop Living In Sin.
      Hate sin.
      Change of heart.
      Have a new mind.
      Have a new character.
      New love for Christ.
      New life·
      A new spirit.
      Have a new nature.
      New love for righteousness.

  29. My husband, Hal Phillips was there in 1970 to witness the awesome love of God through the fullness of the Holy Spirit. It changed his life & he has pastored for 50 years. I have asked God “to do it again” for me to witness. I am witnessing through your eye-witness accounts. GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST. HALLELUJAH. God is so good❣️

  30. How we praise God for this revival. There is a group of us men who meet daily on zoom from all over the US and Canada and this morning we prayed for this great revival. May God be glorified in all of this and may souls be saved and those who are HIS be refreshed and go forth to spread the gospel.
    May these young people be faithful to walk in God’s truths.

  31. Alexandra, I am a retired newspaper journalist and a ’68 Sentinel graduate of Asbury. Much appreciated your report. Nicely crafted, well worded, a fine blend of the personal and the objective. May God bless you in your writing in the years ahead. This experience will doubtless have a lasting impact on both your life and your writing. Ken Wyatt, Concord, Mich.

  32. The Holy Spirit immediately fell on me hearing of yet another revival at AU & my beloved ATS, of which I am a graduate. I am seeking God with you! I’m also sharing this with my 87 yo Mom, who believes a revival is coming to her nursing home & beyond! God is so, so good!! Great is His faithful that is NEW every morning!

  33. Thank you for sharing this incredible time of revival. It is an answer to prayer! And I’m praying that what has begun at Asbury will sweep throughout our nation!

  34. And first, I am convicted by the comment, “I have been praying for this since my freshman year.” I long for an awakening in the church, but apparently not enough to have been praying for it for years. As a pastor, I long for Christ’s disciples to experience His nearness in such a palpable way, and I regularly ask the Spirit to meet us like that. I have been asking that for many years in my congregation, and I will wait upon the Lord. These words have been stirring for days…
    “The Mighty One, God, the Lord, speaks and summons the earth from the rising of the sun to the place where it sets. … “Gather to me my consecrated ones, who made a covenant with me by sacrifice. … Fulfill your vows to the Most High” (Ps 50.1, 5, 14b).
    May the fire of the Spirit among you and reach across the earth!

  35. I have a couple out of our church that are doing mission work in Paraguay. Their language instructor is a graduate of Asbury. He was telling about this to them. they contacted me to share this glorious news. Keep the fire going guys!! You are shaking this nation with a move of God. Stay hungry my friends!!!!

  36. Thanks be to God for this movement of the Holy Spirit at Asbury! What a beautiful testimony to what can happen when a community is radically receptive to the Spirit. I pray this same movement might sweep over my Catholic community.

    Peace be upon you all

    -Jordan from Duke Divinity

  37. Brandon Lake’s song is awesome! I love how he helps us command our soul to praise our Savior! Just like King David who talked to his soul regularly and allowed God to speak through him so wisely as many encountered God in his era.
    When I read your account I was experiencing God’s presence… so wonderful. The electricity flowing through me feels encouraging and so bearing witness to what Jesus and His best friend Holy Spirit are happily doing on your campus! Oh.. keep pressing in, singing, sharing, testifying …
    We rejoice with you from Upstate New York where we’re praying for the same manifest presence of God. Oh yes, to be “ruined” by Him is amazing. Know Him and only Him and share Him all over. Go God and go Alexandra!

  38. I’m just a random Hoosier who has prayed much for revival in our land. So excited for what God is doing! Let the billion+ soul harvest begin!!!! It was prophecied and it’s coming to pass!!! I’ll keep praying!

  39. My name is DJ Edwards. Hi Pastor the river worship center in Park-Hills Missouri.

    Three Sundays ago, I preached about The Cane Ridge Revival, The Great Awakening, 1970 Asbury Revival, etc. We prayed for God to “Do it Again”. I can hardly believe this report I’ve just read!🔥🔥🔥

  40. Someone sent a text with the info and I started reading the testimonys and the Holy Spirit came over me and I praised the Lord for his anointing and praise God for the moving of the Holy Spirit moving in your assembly !!!

  41. Praying that this move spreads across our nation like wildfire and that the spark started here at As yet will leap to other schools and campuses. Oh that students would catch fire that others may watch them burn!! This is the beginning of a generational awakening the likes of which our nation has needed and has yet seen.

  42. I was a student at Olivet Nazaren University, Bourbonnais, IL in 1970 when two students from Asbury came and shared their testimonies about what God was doing at Asbury. The Holy Spirit fell on us and we also experienced that Great Awakening g and the movement of the Holy Spirit. Do it again,Lord!


  44. My spirit is overflowing with joy as I read your article and the comments. What a beautiful expression of what God is doing right now in the earth. I pray this manifestation spreads like wildfire to the corners of the earth. Thank you to all who contributed to and for this Holy event.

  45. Praise the Lord for another revival breaking out at Asbury. I got saved in 1969 and when the revival broke out in 1970 Asbury 3 students came to our Methodist Church in Kittanning Pa. To share and preach at our church it was awesome !! Then me and two other friends went to visit there. It was wounderful!! Thank you Jesus for Holy Spirit moving in the world!!

  46. This is AWESOME. GOD said HE will pour out HIS Spirit in the last days (Joel 2:28). This is it! We are living in the last days. It is happening folks, hold on to what you got. GOD is going to Rapture us from this world. We don’t know the day or the hour just be Rapture ready.

  47. This is AWESOME. GOD said HE will pour out HIS Spirit in the last days (Joel 2:28). This is it! We are living in the last days. It is happening folks, hold on to what you got. GOD is going to Rapture us from this world. We don’t know the day or the hour just be Rapture ready.

  48. This is AWESOME!! God said He will pour out His spirit in the last days (Joel 2:28). Hold on to what you experience. God is getting ready to Rapture His church and we need to be “Rapture Ready”.

  49. I was literally praying for this very thing all the way in NM just days earlier, when I saw the 1970 documentary for the first time. The Lord is so kind to His people to not forsake us repentance. He’s so good to His children. The harvest is white Lord, send workers. Praise Him! He’s Worthy and Trustworthy!


  51. Such a wonderful and glorious display of Gods’ desire to see all of mankind saved and becoming his disciples in this sin filled world. May the participants as well as the readers of this magnificent “revival will sweep across our great nation much like the spy balloon did and touch lives that are in need of God in their lives. Pray and trust in God that this will be the catalyst needed to REVIVE US AGAIN.

  52. We are a small Christian School in Gainesville Florida and would love to bring our kids to visit!
    Does anybody know what day would be good? Are chapels held once a week?
    Father, we thank you for sending Your Holy Spirit! Cause a delusion to wash away the distractions of the world and cause us to all focus our eyes on You! Lord, we humbly ask you to send revival and allow it to spend. Come Holy Spirit and anoint your people with Your precious Presence. We need you lord. We desire you lord. We will listen to You Lord. Come and change us that we could touch the world!

    1. Its happening at Lee University as i type these words in the stone Chapel in Cleveland Tennessee and i believe the chapel closes at 130an reopening the next morning and it continues day to day!! Its off of Ocoee St …cant niss the chapel w a tall steeple.

    2. I am not in Wilmore now, but was a part of the great 1970 revival there. Just to answer your question, right now the schedule is kind of out the window. They traditionally have chapel for one hour on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. If you wanted to go you would have to stand in those lines and trust the Lord to get you in one of the buildings. Estes chapel across the street at the Seminary, rhe Methodist church and another building on Asbury’s campus are all open.

  53. Hallelujah! Praying for His Presence to fall on us here in our church & all over our city. I remember reading about Asbury at the time & He is visiting us AGAIN!. May Your Presence fall like rain as we glorify You & hunger for You!

  54. When Holy Spirit moves and he gives the way to speak his love he has for us. This is what happened at Azusa Street in the early 1900
    Push is and allow him to fill you and spill over to the whole nation.

  55. I am planning to come to Asbury. Does anyone have info that can help me…such as when to come? I was planning for late in the evening on a weekday. Maybe 10pm or later. Would I be able to get I ?

  56. I was present when the revival was inPensacola,Fl It was
    A glorious time. I pray it will continue and fill the
    United States. Praise the Lord!!

  57. I ‘ve praying for this in my Quiet Time’s for a long time!
    And that it will go all around the world as well!!!!! A-Men

    I’m a faithful servant of Christ Jesus in a Church Brooksville, Florida.

    In God’s Perfect Love, D
    Matthew 6:33 & 1 Corinthians 13:13

  58. Glory to God Almighty !! Go Young Christian Soldiers and in between 🙂 We stand in agreement with you all around the world. Jesus Saves and the Holy Spirit is moving ! Glory to God in the Highest !

  59. Glory to God Almighty !! Go Young Christian Soldiers and in between 🙂 We stand in agreement with you all around the world. Jesus Saves and the Holy Spirit is moving ! Glory to God in the Highest !

  60. My sister who lives in Wilmington NC sent me this.
    today. (February 16,2023)
    My wife, who is a graduate of Asbury, and I would like to be kept abreast of any future gatherings.

    Thanks, be to our Savior, Jesus Christ.

    I am now reading “Left Behind” for the second time (First time,20 years ago) Her text with your gathering was more than a coincidence! (I did not know Jesus could text!)

    Hope to hear from you.
    Jim Ney (Marshall J Ney DMD) Nicholasville Ky 40356

  61. What a miraculous way God is moving in power and glory. We talked about and rejoiced with you all as how God is revealing His power and glory not only to you who are there but to many of us who are reading about this. May revival spread through our country.

  62. Your article (in which I read twice) made me feel I was in the midst of the THIS gathering. I am right here at my kitchen’s table in South Carolina. God is AWESOME! Continue to spread the GOOD news. Looking forward to reading more of your articles. AGAPE!

  63. Please pray for my great nephew born with lack of oxygen After an MRI results are he will have severe brain damage Please uphold Jonathan in prayer for a miraculous healing

  64. Praying for God’s miraculous intervention to heal Jonathan and to give his parents comfort during this difficult time.

  65. Asbury is a special place. My parents graduated in 1934 and accepted Gods call when E Stanley Jones spoke about the need for missionaries. The inspirational story is in the book , The Pull of China”


  67. I was in the Seminary when the revival broke out in 1970. During my seminary years I was also head resident at Johnson Main dorm at Asbury College. When the revival occurred I was one of the organists for it. (Back then, organ and piano were the staple accompaniment.) That was also in the day when the 1929 Austin organ was still in use, and the display of pipes was very different from today’s display. The organ was rebuilt in 1975. A day or two after this year’s revival began, and I was noticing the newer pipe display, it hit me like a ton of bricks—that pipe display is so arranged that it looks like the Holy Spirit descending like a dove! I am so thrilled with the outbreak of revival again, and I thank God for moving once again at AU and the Seminary! May God richly bless you all. [Please do not worry about publishing this; it’s just an FWIW.]

  68. Your experience at Asbury, especially being there at the beginning really touched me. I’ve been involved in a lot of movements that were going to usher in revival but never actually did it other than human effort. The fact that the initial Bible verses that were being preached, Romans 12 helped facilitate things blows me away. Thank for your reporting. God bless!

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