Taken by Alexandra Presta

When the dust settles

I sit in the back row of the Hughes balcony. My legs are starting to ache from stiffly sitting in the same position for so long. Voices echo throughout the high ceilings as the pounding beat of a drum rattles my bones. The light shifts with the sun through the yellow, artfully crafted, stained-glass windows facing me. 

           “Our affection, our devotion, poured out on the feet of Jesus.”

           Over and over again, this refrain repeats. 

           I sat here on Wednesday, I sat here on Thursday and I sat here on Friday. Hopeful to connect with Jesus in the earth-shattering way it seems everyone else has. Or at least in the way their Instagram stories make it seem. 

           After my 1 p.m. class on Wednesday, I felt called to go to Hughes. Lately, my heart has been incredibly hardened. It was full of frustration due to so many situations in my life that I felt unheard and unvalued. For the sake of complete transparency, it had even been impacting me physically with a tightening in my chest, a bodily response from being unable to access my emotions. When I arrived at Hughes, my immediate inclination was to take photos and record what was happening through interviews, as my job typically requires. In my heart, I felt an outer nudge to be still. And so that’s what I did.

           Nothing immediately happened to me or changed in my heart. A beam of light did not cast itself upon me, and thank goodness, the Lord did not immediately smite me out of existence even though I deserved it. I did not let the lack of immediacy deter me, even though I thought about leaving. All that mattered at that moment was our Creator. The transfer of my focus nudged me to ponder how infinitesimally small we are. The situations that enraptured my mind were mere specks on the horizon compared to eternity. 

           My heart shifted, and a resentment that had followed me for months was lifted by the grace of God alone. Walls of bitterness and agitation released themselves from my mind. I felt them cast out of my mind and heart to the point where I have almost completely forgotten the prior feeling. Knowing myself, I am confident this shift is not of my own volition. I was set and satisfied in my resentment, but God had different plans for me.

           This moment of absolute peace shifted my reality. My conversations with friends are deeper. Reconciliation is genuine and pure in heart with no intent to harm. God-prompted, open discussions are strengthening beliefs in ways I never could achieve on my own. 

           But I am still apprehensive and cautious regarding some aspects of this revival. 

Revival is a gift from God. He takes the initiative, which means we must be careful when assigning credit for what is taking place. Across campus, there is already a toxic stigma of “revival shaming.” I’ve heard things such as, “How many hours have you been here? I’ve been here all day. I am sooo exhausted. I even skipped class.” What do you notice in these comments? Jesus is usually not mentioned. We must be careful with self-centered responses based on who is “showing up for Jesus” and who is not. 

           My goal is always to report the truth, not making assumptions about anything, much less someone’s profession of faith.  

           But I have been to many a summer camp in my life, some fully present, others not as much. One concept constantly discussed before, during and after each camp is the idea of a “Jesus high”: an adrenaline rush from lack of sleep, excitement from newfound knowledge and the fulfilling promise of the Holy Spirit. 

The most dangerous aspect of this Jesus high is that it wears off. 

Once the dust settles, there is exhaustion from lack of adrenaline, agitation from disagreements and overall burnout from the lack of community encouragement. And eventually, I forget everything I learned until I am reminded again in this toxic and tiring cycle.

We must ensure that our community does not drift in a similar direction.

           When the dust settles, and Hughes is empty, what will remain? 

           We must answer honestly, are we pouring out our affection and devotion on the feet of Jesus or onto ourselves?

           Jesus is working, and the Holy Spirit is moving in Hughes. But He is always moving everywhere. God is using this revival in incredible ways. There is reconciliation, confession and soulful worship. But I pray we do not turn this revival into a prolonged event for its own sake and forget that genuine revival is initiated and sustained by the living God. 

There is a deeply rooted history of revival in our community. The influence of the 1970 Revival has an incredible weight that cannot go unnoticed. The records on Asbury’s website indicate that revivals occur mainly during February, with two in March. 

This month, my mind constantly returns to The Call of Wisdom in the first chapter of Proverbs. A question Wisdom cries out in verse 22 calls to me in particular, and it floods my thoughts constantly.

“How long, O simple ones, will you love being simple?”

We cannot think about this revival simply. Think deeply about the call in our hearts and this moment in the perspective of eternity. Seek understanding contextually, historically and spiritually in this moment. A holistic mindset is required when seeking the Truth. Before you post, before you pray over others, before you share your testimony, please seek Wisdom. Do not be complacent or accepting of what you hear at face value. Deep comprehension will make this revival a more fruitful and lasting experience for everyone.

Managing Editor
  1. Anna….

    What a beautifully transparent sharing of your heart! All I wish to do is encourage you; to affirm your continued…working of your faith. May your ‘face-in-the-mirror-honesty’ continue to reflect those things the The LORD God is compelling you to engage!

  2. Thank you Anna for sharing your honest reflections. I felt worried that no one would be so honest and discerning about what has happened and as I read your reflection I was encouraged! God is moving everywhere and it was a special moment but it’s what we now do with this, how we continue to live disciplined lives and to take what we have been given and be stewards of it. I would not want to be dismissive of God’s love and maybe attraction to humble and authentic offerings of praise, I loved seeing and hearing about the way God is speaking to the students there. I wondered if I will ever see anything like this in Portland, OR which in some ways feels like a spiritual wasteland and in others the driest bushes waiting to be ignited. Bless you and your community!

    1. Abe, I encourage you to visit East River Fellowship in Hillsboro, OR, this weekend. There’s something stirring in this church and the worship is amazing. Miracles are happening, people are being healed, prophetic words are being spoken. It’s the Book of Acts. God is moving!

      1. I love this!!! I am a youth pastor who has seen youth get high on Jesus and later look for another high. My longing is for revival to, not only, root us deeper in Jesus, but also stir hearts for the lost and go after the one!!! When the Father’s house is filled with His love the prodigals will come running!!! I long with anticipation for this day!!!

  3. As I read the words “when Hughes is empty, what will remain?”
    I picture people leaving “shining with Christ’s Light” to continue across campus, and beyond, to share that Light. Yet, some people’s Light begins to dime before fully exiting the building, some stay bright for a short while, some a long while…revival changes us and should then travel with us and through us!

    1. You are correct! Jesus told his disciples in John 6 : 12 When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” 13 So they gathered them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten.
      Why would he say this? It is my belief that he had “Blessed the food before anyone ate.” What is blessed has the infinite possibility of being a blessing to others. God’s intent is for us to not hoard his blessings but to let them flow through us to others.

  4. Sweet Anna,
    Rest assured what you have experienced in Jesus will not wear off. You will be changed forever, changed for His glory, closer to Him. Your life will not necessarily be easier, but the awareness of The Lord at your side, and an eternity mindset will be more apparent. You will, more than likely, be extremely uncomfortable with the things of this world that can harden your heart- unforgiveness, gossip, etc.
    I speak from experience as I “stumbled” into a church in the late 70’s during the revival that had spread to Texas. I was already a Christian, but God lit an amazing fire within me that still burns today- 30 years later. I am compelled to talk to Him, read His Word, and tell others about Him; I so dearly love Him.
    I agree with your exhortation to be open to what God has planned next. Perhaps discipleship? Mission work? Only The Lord knows and He will make it clear as we seek Him.
    The YouTube and Kentucky news videos are powerful, undeniable, and are being shared. They are opening doors to talk to others about the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
    Love in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior,

  5. Anna, this is a powerful plea for true revival and I pray it is heard and lived by those on the Campus now.

  6. Absolutely in support of you and the whole community, Ms. Lowe, from far away.

    Though interpretations abound, I believe that we will always love being simple because in the presence of the Lord’s full wisdom, I am simply simple with hope of listening to the call in the direction of Jesus.

    Blessings and sustenance and protection are being prayed for you there and all lives that are touched as the Holy Spirit moves now, in, through, and out.

  7. A true and honest reflection! Thank you for being vulnerable and putting into words the concerns about the revival that should not be overlooked. However, hearing that the Spirit of God is at work in Asbury, much like the 70’s, produced a hope in me that has been waiting to be ignited which is that revival is possible for me and those I love!

  8. Thank you Anna Lowe for your perspective and honesty. I am Trusting I will be able to see the lasting effect this Holy Spirit work has on the Body of Christ. I was overjoyed by the initial news. I can feel that excitement waning. I’m Trusting/Praying that I will see what comes of this in me and others in the Body/Church.

  9. The best article I have read on this awakening. Thank you for your thoughtfulness, honesty, and composition. Excellent writing serving as a springboard calling us to consider wisely where we land and how we get there.

  10. Beautifully said. thank you. having experienced revival in the past, it was knowing the gospel of jesus christ to be ‘no separation’ which sealed the deal for me. when we believe god is somewhere out there, instead of within, it seems there can be much room for error and misunderstanding. what is god and has god always been after? to me the bible makes that clear. relationship. knowing and being know. loving and being loved. one, with and in the creator of the universe. our father. our jesus. bless you all, abundantly, in his holy name! x

  11. My heart sang in Praise in reading this. I am so wonderfully happy that God has your heart and eyes. I have preached for a long time that we fail to understand our purpose is to lead others to Christ. Though him lives are changed including our own. I would love to just be there and sit and talk with you and others gathered there. Such fellowship can strengthen us to witness for Jesus the Christ.
    I pray when the “dust Settles” that we take this experience outside our comfort zone and bring revival to every corner of our world.
    May we continue to search for God’s will in our lives.

  12. Wise words. I have appreciated your open and thoughtful reporting of the revival. I’m praying that as students and people return to their communities that the Glory of the Spirit they have experienced will follow them to their families, neighborhoods, and churches.

  13. Wonderful thought. I have been praying for the continued working of God at Asbury and pleading for Him to allow His revival to spread through our nation, especially His churches.

    Your questions are riveting and right on! What is the lasting change? Will we be Peter who wants to build altars for what has happened in the moment? Or will we follow Jesus back down the mountain to minister to the hurting, seeking as well as the rebelling masses?

    May God’s Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

  14. We must not forget that our only ability is get into the right posture before the Lord, NOT make or even initiate anything happening. I have been amazed, however, in the attitude around me as I have discussed it to friends and constituents. Like the scripture that’s reports the response of those invited to the Masters banquet, I have seen with my own eyes serious Christians who have not dropped everything because God is in the room, but instead continue with their agenda. Our seeming inability to allow GOD to have the floor and just yield to Him has shocked me. We MUST keep our position clear, (humble receivers) and His position clear (the Almighty) and allow the reverential fear of the Lord, (not fleshly determination) to take over the movement.. Lord, give us the ability to position ourselves and pray that You would spread Your blessing.

  15. This article addresses something so important: what will remain? Revival impacts many things. Gods purposes for revival are many fold, I think. Repentance, awakening, reconciliation. But one thing I think we forget about is maturity. God doesn’t show up to give us all the feels, or to get us excited, or give us an experience. It is to advance his kingdom. One way he does this in a long term way is through maturity. If we will let him grow us and mature us, then when Hughes is empty, all is not forgotten. It is not the momentary adrenaline we should be seeking, it is the lasting fruit, the maturity, that only comes through the refining fire of seeking the Holy Spirit. Then when the chapel is empty, the revival continues. Thank you for being so honest in your post.

  16. What tremendous insight for our spiritual responsibility to look past the moment into eternity. I was 5 years old when I stood in the last row on top of the wood chapel seats in Hughes during the 1970 revival. Not fully understanding the moment the fragrant smell in the air, physical tingling in my skin and beautiful raised voices in worship is the memory that connects me to the Holy Spirit. “There’s a sweet, sweet spirit in this place,” plays the song of praise on repeat as I have needed Christ in the most desperate times during my life since that revival. So Anna, I pray that you will be branded forever by this revival as it only takes that one momentary touch by the Holy Spirit to last your lifetime.

    1. Totally true. Having experienced revival in the 70s my Christian life was ignited with a new awareness of the power of the in dwelling Spirit to live this Christian life. Many years later, with many ministry opportunities behind me, with all the ups and downs, I still experience the inward renewal gained through those days of revival. The lives of those touched by Him will never be the same not because of us but because of Him! May He bless your journey and show you great and mighty things you know not.

  17. Amen. Praying for the ongoing outpour of the Holy Spirit upon God’s people at Asbury and all over the world. Praying for the Holy Spirit to keep stirring our hearts to seek the face of God and His heart like never before.

  18. Thank you for this article. I am an Asbury grad who has been in full-time vocational ministry for the 20 years since graduating, and I feared the same things when I heard of the revival. I remember in the late 90s and early 00s hearing about the 70s revival in a way that idolized that one movement of God from the past. We need daily renewal in the Holy Spirit. Revival fades and all that appears to be of God is not always of God. I grew up in a charismatic tradition where I was exposed to a lot of psychological harm done in the name of God – in which God was not the one initiating those experiences. In fact, when I heard about this the other day my first response was to fear the psychological damage that would be done to folks in the name of revival and confession. Give me a persistent presence of God’s Spirit any and every day over an adrenaline rush of revival. May God continue to bless that which has been real in this revival and may God bring healing to those who have misused these events.

  19. Anna~ What a blessing it was to ‘happen’ upon your words from yesterday…candid, articulate, exhorting, Christ-honoring words. What you wrote was so edifying and full of wisdom and hope. Your words have been tested and found true in my 50+ years walk with Christ–the highs, the wearing off, the forgetting what is known, the stirring up again of that which seemed forgotten. How timely is your reminder that The Holy Spirit IS always moving everywhere. As He once again bestows the gift of revival at Asbury, may countless numbers come to Christ in salvation, in repentance, in freedom from that which binds them. And when the dust settles, may all who did come in spirit and in truth remain faithful and steadfast until the day of His return. To His glory!

  20. Thank you for sharing your heart. I am an elderly saint, (80 yo), a preacher’s kid, and have had enough experience to wear the label ‘Cynic’.
    However, I’ve also discovered God NEVER changes, His love, mercy and grace will sustain me, as He is ALWAYS faithful.
    That said, I can testify to the unmatched glory of being surrounded by His Holy Spirit. It is not an adrenaline rush, nor is it an emotional high.
    It is Pure, Precious and Holy. Nothing compares to it. Oh, would that every Seeker would experience Him in this way! You’ve been blessed and I share both your acceptance AND your caution. It’s All to His Glory.

  21. Well stated. The test of a true revival
    Is what will be the fruit long after the crowds have left Hughes Auditorium. Will we see changed lives and more of a hunger for the things of God. We can’t Pick a day to end this, God will end it in his time and we will know it is of Him not man.

  22. Praising our Father for what He is doing for His kingdom, and in His people. It is all for Him, all about Him, and in a world where “I”is worshipped, this awakening sets our hearts not on “me”, but on the Almighty. I love your perspective and that you are boldly asking the question, when this ends, what will remain? My prayer is less of me and more of Him.
    Thank you for your transparency and honest post.

  23. So beautifully written. Yes, students, keep your focus on Jesus and not “I”. What an honor to get to be experiencing what y’all are experiencing! Thank you Holy Spirit for encouraging the nations through what you are doing at Asbury!

  24. This is incredibly well-written. I could never have written this when I was twenty, or even now, when I’m fifty-six. I’ve been a professional writer for three-plus decades, and I’m impressed.

  25. Anna….This is the most profound, most helpful perspective I’ve read so far, from any source over the past few days, as I’ve been carefully following what has been unfolding at and through Asbury University. Everyone should read and heed what you have shared–clearly coming from your heart..

    Without going into much detail for now, Anna, let me simple say this: out of 20 years working with university students across the nation, plus serving America’s National Prayer Committee and the National Revival Network, plus facilitating a website exclusively focused on the full extent of the supremacy of God’s Son and on fostering a “Nationwide Campaign for an American CHRIST Awakening”; and having studied under two leading historians of revivals (with 4 PhD’s in the field among them)–and having witnessed first hand a variety of student “revival movements” over the years–I could not have stated any better the wisdom, insights, cautions and exhortations you’ve given us in this article. Thank you so much for taking the time to do so. It was truly needed.

    A few years ago, the National Revival Network published a book (NavPress) titled AN URGENT APPEAL (available on Amazon) which revolved around its central premise : “Revival is CHRIST”. Which is why our ChristNow ministry long ago renamed “revival” as a “Christ Awakening”–to keep God’s Son at the forefront as the reason for and the focus of a coming national Kingdom revolution.

    Selah! David

  26. I know as this article portrays that each one will have their own take on what is taking place now. With each viewpoint we will see God dealing in unique ways. For every story there will be another 10 to thousands more.
    I appreciate the transparency here in her story. I drove here from North Carolina and arrived on Sunday afternoon. I wanted to investigate this outpouring in this 2 stoplight town. I mean what is going on is this really God or hype? Well I can say that my hunger has increased and my love for Jesus! I tried to leave and could not get my car unlocked so I took this that God wanted me to go to the evening meeting. I invited my host to come as his back needed healing. We went to the front and a bunch of us prayed, I had my hand on his back and felt it shift! He is healed in Jesus name!

  27. Anna, here in Southern California we have been praying, fasting, trusting, longing for revival and we are overjoyed to see the manifestation of God’s presence in Asbury. We want what you (hopefully) will have when the dust settles–a well we have helped prime flowing with a constant stream of water we can draw, drink, bathe and delight in. We want our minds and hearts fixed on Him, whole in Him. Yes, we want the experience and power of His presence, want our spiritual batteries recharged, want the fellowship of shared awe and worship and peace and we want it to settle into our daily lives so He is free to love and bless through us everyone in our sphere of influence.

  28. In 1970 there was a revival at Asbury University. This coincided with the Jesus movement that was beginning in California and swept across the country. Is it coincidence or another work of God that the movie which was made about the “Jesus Revolution” opens in theaters next week. ?

    1. I have asked the same question! Lord, do it again in Your way and timing. We don’t want to manufacture anything and we don’t want to miss You because we have our own ideas of what the outpouring of Your Spirit will look like. We need You, Jesus, to empower us to live as Your light in an increasingly confusing and dark culture. I was a young teen influenced by the Jesus People movement in California in the 70s. I’ve got my movie tickets for Jesus Revolution, but even more, I’m so excited to be experiencing a visitation of the presence of the Lord at our church that has been increasing weekly. I feel like we are on the cusp of a new wave of His holiness, love, and mercy soon to break out upon our region.

  29. Jesus please have Your way, because Your way is the way of life. May this be all about You and You only.
    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank You Jesus!!!!!!!

  30. Asbury 2023
    The revival is happening and thousands are going to Kentucky to participate, but with the Holy Spirit alive in us, we can feel the stirring of a new life ignited by hope and like the movement of a baby in the womb, and the fluttering felt by the mother, great joy swells the ❤️ hearts of the believers!! Like the song my father often played 🎶
    “Get on board the train is coming”…….allow the Holiness of God to capture your heart and move you into action!!
    We don’t want to miss it!! Listen to the stirring of the Spirit of God and move as he leads you! 🕊️🎶🕯️🌅

  31. Whereas we are always delighted when Jesus’ name is proclaimed and His ultimate sacrifice to save us from the wages of sin, you are right in that some people may ride the emotional high until trials and tribulations come there way.
    In a very diverse Segway, it reminds me of what is happening with progressivism in our churches. We rewrite God’s Word to “fit in” with our own desires and pleasures.
    It is so easy to be swept away in the moment and the excitement, but true discipleship takes picking up your cross daily and dying to Him. Praising Him in the storms of life. Loving those who hate us and want to do us harm.
    Following Jesus is not easily, but as Paul said, the momentary distractions and turmoil of this life can not compare to what God has in store for us in eternity.
    In the 70’s during my adolescence, revivals seemed to punctuate the emotional high of the movement, not the parts where you literally cling to God in the midst of some of life’s greatest storms.
    You’re right, the emotional high becomes a load to bear without the foundation of God’s plan. We tightly hold on to His promises no matter the situation.
    I pray that what people are experiencing at Ashbury is lasting and the excitement of following Jesus brings them great joy and comfort. Our circumstances do not reflect my Savior’s love for me and how He sees every year that falls from my face and my prayers that are sometimes answered quickly, sometimes answered later, and sometimes the answer is His design alone,, which is far better than I could ever imagine.
    God bless

  32. Anna, thank you for making yourself vulnerable and sharing your experience. It is exciting to hear of the Holy Spirit speaking to so many and leading individuals to repentance and reconciliation with the Savior. May God continue to use you and bless your writing experiences. Again, Thank You!

  33. Insightful and compelling – thank you! These are the specifics I will be praying for the students on campus in the days ahead.

  34. Amen and amen. This is beautifully and heartfully written. Each one who has commented, as well. Praise and glory and honor, and power be unto God and our Savior Jesus Christ! I love the positive attitudes and I can feel the love of God in every word that has been written. Gods is working!

  35. I keep reading first hand reports on what is going on there and a general mention of ‘repentance’ but no specifics. Is the Gospel being preached and how? Is it truly THE Gospel? …and what are people repenting of?

    I mean this sincerely & in hope & love for the Truth – who is Jesus!

    1. Hi Alyssa,
      I didn’t go to Asbury this past two weeks but I felt the power of the Holy Spirit throughout the outpouring watching what was happening online. It was powerful.

      I can understand the university’s need to band the use of videos and pictures by the students and general public from cell phones also. There were so many sensitive moments. God bless the students

  36. Sitting quietly this morning with my morning brew and taking in this magical experience! What a Gift to wake up to this morning! Moving!!

  37. Anna, You have blessed us with Godly wisdom. Very spiritually and thought provoking. I have been wondering the same of, once this revival is ‘over’, how can we continue moving on God’s path as faith-filled persons as we have been during this blessed revival. I thank you for sharing your wisdom and very well-written message. I’m saving it as a reminder to strive in keeping on the path of God. 🙏❣️💜

  38. Anna –
    God’s peace to you. Thank you for writing this. There is so much wisdom and transparency in your words. For those in traditional churches, this Sunday is Transfiguration Sunday and I can’t help to see the parallels between what you wrote and the text from Matthew 17. Peter wants to set up camp and stay but is interrupted by God reminding Peter that Jesus is His son and Jesus then gently pulling Peter back up to tell him not to be afraid. This is truly wonderful to see what is happening but it is all about God, not us.

  39. Love this!!!! Oh simple one. Jesus is not for just a moment, or a feeling, or a revival…. He is a life change!! He is freedom from all of the evil that bogs us down. He is an all consuming fire! You’re words are beautiful, touching, and simply put. Praying that this revival changes hearts and lives. So encouraged to see this young generation on fire for our maker. Thank you for sharing!

  40. Anna,
    How encouraging to read a transparent editorial on what is going on at Asbury and your view on what revival means to you. May the Lord continue to give you strength as you follow His lead in pursuing the goals He has for you.

    God Bless You!

  41. What a blessed move of God. I, too, have been praying for this… for a long time. After reading the comments posted, I pray even more fervently that the enemy will not hijack much of it. I love the recommendation to pray from Ephesians for all involved. We need discernment. Badly! Two posts reveal a dangerous lack of discernment to see the strange fire already pushing in… one mentioned a “coming national Christian movement” which is not premillennial to say the least. Another mentioned the “Jesus Revolution” movie, which is a hijack of the genuine 1970’s move of God in California – the movie is made by a combination of Mormons, very liberal emergent “Christian” types and others. I realize that there are many views on both of these topics, but there is real danger here. My long experience with some of this, and much of the Lord Jesus’ real moves of God, along with seeing most of the body of Christ just accepting whatever comes along… all this has led me to carefully give warnings as it seems needed.

    So what will happen if strange fire gets into this move of God? He will quietly pull back, and we will be left with deflated highs and not much change. What about the ones not drawn into the errors? Ah, those are the ones who will quietly, often tearfully, prayerfully go about the business of the Lord Jesus’ Kingdom…leading the lost to salvation and the saved to greater maturity. Do you not see some of that already? Away from the news and media?

    So don’t be discouraged, but be wise and discerning as the Lord leads to what is next.

    1. Hi Sue,
      What “strange fire” are you talking about? Are you referring to MacArthur’s book? I just saw a mighty move of God marked by humility, repentence, grace and tons of joy (which shows emotion). Please enlighten us. Politics aside, maybe there is a “national Christian movement” afoot. It just started but it’s not political. It’s an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Please read Joel 2.

  42. ANNA, Thank you for the courage to write. It’s a hard word to write during the adrenaline rush of a spontaneous revival. As an Asbury grad who came to Wilmore one year after the 1950 revival, it was always something we were hoping for during our stay in Wilmore, but was not in the Lord’s timetable. After an adrenaline rush there seems to come a valley because the body needs time to restore. the physician in me is talking. I am praying for the sustaining power of the Holy Spirit to give Divine Guidance to us all in the quiet times that follow. This is my prayer. Thank you for the courage to write what you have, and may God bless you in the future he has for you.

  43. This was SUCH an encouragement to me. I can relate in so many ways. Especially the feelings of apathy in the beginning. I also love how you mentioned the camp high and literally I was thinking about that sort of thing just yesterday.

    I am a student at North Greenville University and I write for my own schools online magazine and was asked to write a story about the revival on your campus. I was very hesitant about writing it because I think we shouldn’t always seek to explain or put into a box what God is doing. Yet, I decided to say yes to writing a story on the revival because of Psalm 96:3.

    Is there any way I could interview you over phone? It would be so appreciated for a story we are doing here about the revival. Thank you so much.

    1. Hi! So sorry for the late response. You absolutely can. If you have Instagram, send the Asbury Collegian a DM, and I will send you my contact information. Or you can reach out to me on LinkedIn!

      1. Thank you SO MUCH! It’s actually due tomorrow so if you could do an interview today that would be most helpful! Maybe around 3:30? I actually did send an Instagram message a while back. I can send another one if needed. My account is @beautyinbrick.

  44. A profoundly moving and beautiful interpretation for those of us not able to be there physically. Thank you for feeling the Holy Spirit and allowing those of us blessed to land on this post, to partake in the experience. God Bless You.

  45. My thoughts in this is …can we be joyful? Can we praise our Lord & that be shown on Instagram & that get national attention? Instead of the constant tragedies our youth are witnessing today? Can we celebrate the Savior of the World without suspicion from our camp. Look at the world! May our hearts stay child-like or become more child-like, to see Him come in ways outside of “our” understanding. Jesus we love you, let them see our love & unity. Help us to love you more. Make us more like you Jesus.

  46. Wisdom and discernment abounding in your heart already Anna. The questions you overhear from the young in faith can be discouraging and the consumerist bent cloying… And yet… Something happened over there in this cynical time we live in. I do pray that the Holy Spirit continues to guide you on.

  47. Anna, your piece is very profound and full of wisdom. I pray that all who read heed your message. And I pray, too, that this is not just an Asbury thing that comes and goes. I truly believe as the evil intensifies so will the good! Greater is He in us! I have been praying for several years now for this country in very specific ways. I am excited because I know God is moving.
    Chaplain Joni Scott
    Senior Chaplain
    Boone County Sheriff’s Office

  48. Wise and beautifully stated. Yes, the Holy Spirit remains long after the dust has settled…and it will, and God will still be with us!
    Thank you for this.
    Bless you!

  49. This is so exciting to witness in our lifetime, at a time like this! I feel like the Lord is giving everyone one last chance to turn to Him. Anna, your article is so Heartfelt! The thing that interested me the most though, is your name. My mother’s name was Anna J. Lowe! She was born in Kentucky. Could it be that we are related? Maybe one day we will know. May God bless you as you live your life for Him! ❤️

  50. Thank you for Sharing. May the Lord Bless you and Keep you. May the Movement of God touch and continue to touch the students of Asbury. And may the Fire of God burn the dross away.

    And may those, like myself, who are far away call learn to fall on our faces and cry out to a holy and merciful God to touch us and deliever us from ourselves.

    Jerry, US Army Chaplain, retired

  51. I loved reading this article. A few minutes ago, I returned from attending church in Scottsdale, AZ where I live and wondered how things were going at the revival. I found this article online. I also hope that the excitement of the experience doesn’t get lost when things settle down. I would hope that people keep a journal and throw themselves into scripture study so they don’t lose the passion and fire that they feel at the revival. I hope they return to their homes and serve others. I hope they share their experience on social media at every opportunity and proclaim that Jesus is coming to be with us before too long. We are all sons and daughters of God. We belong to Jesus, but only if we want to. I pray we all choose to follow Him. Follow Him home into the light. I hope we pray to God in the name of Jesus Christ. ❤️

  52. My soul has been slowly burning, a glowing ember of excited fear and trepidation. Fear, because I’ve known myself to delude myself into believing my soul on fire in the past has been nothing more than a brief exercise in self indulgent religiosity. Thumping my chest, banging the table, I have regaled in the past vain-glory of pompous platitudes.
    What is different this time, I ask myself? It’s the echoes all around me. It’s that typing exercise demanding, “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.” It’s this report from Hughes, on the news, in the Prayer Chapel at a Fort Wayne, IN construction site resurrecting the old GE manufacturing site into a new office and warehousing complex now now as The Electric Works. It’s the words of my pastors sermon on the works of Nehemiah. Or reflections of His affirmations in the food gifts from our friends and fellow parishioners from church as we recover from a debilitating surgery we are coming though. I must build on this! I simply have to!

  53. Oh, Anna. Thank you for an honest & Biblically sound response to an event .. “beyond” our full understanding. The revival spirit has often changed and-or challenged the usual patterns of the daily Christian walk with Christ Jesus. I believe the Church can rejoice at the greater work that will also come from this February event. And I’m reminded of someone’s statement about events similar: it’s how Christians walk after that bear the greater fruit in the kingdom. Still praying!

  54. Biblically, what is Revival? To find the answer to that question we must go to the Holy Scriptures. In the Old Testament it was about the disobedient Israelites humbling themselves, turning back to God, and getting right with Him. (PSALM 85:6; Isaiah 57:15; Hosea 6:2, 14:7.). However, today Romans 14:9 tells us…“For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living.” True Revival, then, when a believer in Christ shares the gospel and a condemned person places their faith on Jesus Christ and is born again! It’s not sitting around supposedly meditating to repetitious music (have you not read Matthew 6:1-7?)!
    All these people sitting around and none of them are obeying Jesus’command to “Go, therefore” to preach the gospel. Shameful.

  55. Beautiful reflection. A lot of wisdom in what you say. I pray what has happened, not disappear but continue to spread across the country by each of you who were touch by this revival.

  56. Thus is very well said and thank you for sharing this. The revival was and is very awesome!!! Prayers for you God Bless yours in Christ Kathy 🙏 🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

  57. Reflective and Enlightening.Cautiously aware of the reality of reality! Emotional highs are temporal.It takes mental transformation to evolve into lifestyle change…You have shared, wisely and transparently. Thanks for giving Us all, some valuable ideas to help process, what might be, or should I say, Is, a historically spiritual awakening.The influence and impact that matters most, is that which, transforms lives, into Christlike examples! To God’s glory and mankind’s benefit!!

  58. Dear Anna,
    Every mountain top has its valley.
    Moses came down from his mountain top to find the people sacrificing to a golden calf.
    Jesus came down from the Mount of Transfiguration to die on the cross.
    There is glory on mountain tops. But is in the valley where the streams of abundance flow, where things grow and blossom and produce fruit.
    Be patient, be at peace, and let the Spirit produce the fruit He intended you to produce.
    Ephesians 2:10
    Blessings upon you, dear sister.

  59. This article is so good. Often people “just get high on Jesus”. After awhile, the glow doesn’t remain. It fades with time, experiences and just plain life. Then that commitment grows through adversity. I’m afraid people missed something in this outpouring. When the Spirit moves he brings up the junk in our souls too, not just bring joy. If there aren’t people in our lives to intervene and heal and steward that mess it quickly becomes toxic. Revival takes a wrong turn. And people get hurt. I hope Asbury University knows how to help these young people heal as well as enjoy any good spiritual fruit that comes out of this outpouring of unity.

  60. Thank you so much for being open and sharing this. I can relate so much with you. I grew up in church and went to many revivals and camps, etc, too. It took me a long time to learn it’s about the walk with God everyday/community with believers that truly matters and not this “high” that seemed like we were chasing. Of course at times the Lord truly moved in my life and His presence and peace was/is so overwhelming that I’m filled with tears and joy, but it’s not this crazy emotionalism that wears off like when you’re at a concert. He is so much more than that. I also found it awesome that what God did for you he has been doing in me. Letting go of anger and bitterness I’ve held onto for years because I suppressed so much, just spending time with Him in my own little revival with Him and I at home. He has been working and healing so much in me. But it started around the same time as the Asbury revival…God is truly moving, it’s amazing. Praise God!

  61. Anna,
    wonderful essay. thanks. inspiring! I would suggest for those who are looking for the continued presence of Jesus Christ after the Revival is over, that you look no further than the Our Lady Of Sorrows Church right down the road from there where the real presence, the body and blood, soul and divinity of Christ is always present in that tabernacle. And then his passion and sacrifice are re-presented to the faithful every day in Mass. peace to you all!

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