Upperclassmen athletes attend job fair

By Kim Miller
Senior Sports Writer

Out-of-season junior and senior student athletes gathered together in the screening room of the media communication building for a special presentation from billion dollar company, Total Quality Logistics (TQL), on Sept. 16.  Sr. Sales Recruiting Team Leader Matt Keller led the discussion of the importance in identifying individual strengths as an athlete and applying them to a real-world workplace situation.

Students listened as Keller explained his background as a previous blocker and receiver for the Ohio State University football team, how the disciplines he demonstrated on the field carried over to his work etiquette and how he handles himself professionally in a job setting. 
“The overall purpose of what I do is to try to help student athletes become self-aware of the skills, abilities and traits they demonstrate as a student athlete, and how that experience can transition into the professional world,” said Keller, referring to his current job at TQL. “Having been one myself, I realize that student athletes sometimes have a hard time getting the same work experience in as someone else who does not have a sport they participate in. However, this does not mean they are less qualified for the job.”

During the presentation, Keller explained the right way for a student athlete to write their resume, and how to include personality traits that companies and employers are looking for– such as work ethic, drive, commitment, teamwork and leadership.

Through TQL, Keller has traveled and spoken with student athletes from Morehead, Ohio State, Indiana State, University of Dayton, Eastern Illinois University and Butler, just to name a few. TQL is the nation’s second largest freight brokerage firm, with its headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio. It was founded in 1997, and already provides transportation for more than 7000 customers across the U.S. and Canada.

Jason Clayton, director of the center for career and calling at Asbury, made reference to the upcoming launch of a resource website designed to enable students to practice their resume writing and interviewing skills. The goal is to have the site launched by mid-October: www.optimalresume.com.  

Women’s sophomore basketball player, Kelli Rinehardt, said she appreciated the instructional books handed out at the meeting. “It’ll be a good reference to use when writing a resume later,” she said.

Rinehardt’s teammate, Annissia Wood, also thought the meeting was helpful overall. “It was good preparation for the real world,” she said.

TQL will have another presentation for fall participating junior and senior athletes in the spring.

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