A word to men about No-Makeup November

By Tay Brandt
Contributing Writer

For men, November is often that time of the year when we go without shaving for a month.

Now, our sisters in Christ will be going without makeup throughout November. I feel this is a great movement for women to take part in, but how can we men become involved? 

As a growing man of God, I think it is important that all men see the beauty of our sisters in Christ in the way God created them. As such, I support No-Makeup November, and I believe any man in a relationship should encourage the woman he loves to participate. Because, if a man cannot find a woman’s true beauty attractive, how is that fair to the woman? It is vital that every man see his beloved in her original beauty: the beauty that God created.

But No-Makeup November is more than a month when women go without makeup. It is chance for us men to examine our perception of women.

So let me present a challenge to the men, which I will undertake myself this November. If you have been in a relationship for more than a year, every day for November spend quality time with your girlfriend or wife—encouraging, talking and building your relationship (some examples of what to do rather than just watching TV or Netflix together)—for at least an hour if possible. Also, spend time studying God’s word because Christ needs to be at the center of your relationship.

And the first time you see your beloved each day, wrap your arms around her and tell her, “I love you.” Those three simple words plus your embrace will brighten her day exponentially, even if she is having a lousy afternoon. It shows her that you care, and you are always there for her. Also, pay attention for opportunities to serve her in special ways because actions are more impactful than words.

For those of you who are still single like me, or are in an early stage of a relationship, this month is a prime opportunity to discipline ourselves in relation to women. Get in the Word.

Every man battles with temptation, and while it is not a sin to have temptation, it is sinful to give into temptation. Through discipline, we will create a more righteous outlook on women. And brothers, we cannot do this alone. We need accountability. Find other men, like your SLA or RA, who are willing to keep you accountable when you stumble.

Men, we are called to be the protectors of women. That is the way God created us. If we are looking at women as objects of sexual satisfaction or a reputation booster, then we are not fulfilling our God given purpose, and that can lead to selfish desires. 

Furthermore, it is from these selfish desires that the issues of pornography and sex trafficking still thrive. The motto for No-Makeup November states, “Beauty is not something to be bought.”

Every day, men kidnap women, and those innocent women are treated as goods to be peddled against their will. This is an abominable matter that needs to be opposed.

James 1:27 says, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

Men need to be heroes. A true hero does not fight for fame and fortune. No, true heroes fight for honor. True heroes fight for what is good and right. And above all, true heroes must be willing to sacrifice. Women need true heroes.

Men, if you want to be true heroes, then show your support this November.

Check out more at www.nomakeupnovember.com


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