ASC holds final meeting of semester

By Meredith Schellin
News Editor

Asbury’s student congress (ASC) had their final meeting of the semester on Nov. 19. In this meeting the executive cabinet (EC) reported on their areas of responsibilities, class cabinets gave their reports and several proposals were discussed.

The meeting was called to order by Student Body President Isaac Archer. He informed the other ASC members of the election of the freshman class cabinet members and the addition of Sean O’Connor as the new freshman class sponsor. 

Following those announcements, the EC members gave their branch reports. VP of Spiritual Life Katie Pittman shared on behalf of the Spiritual Life Board (SLB), VP of Student Governance Daniel Jarboe spoke about the events taking place within in the Student Governance Association (SGA) and VP of Student Activities Asher Allison reported on behalf of the Student Activities Board (SAB). 

After the EC members shared, the floor was opened to class cabinet members to report on the events taking place within their classes. Each class shared that they are planning a Christmas party. Additionally, the freshman class reported that they are working on their freshman formal and talent show. The sophomore class gave an update on sophomore musical and representatives from the junior class reported on the success of the class’ service project and the pending arrangements for the junior/senior dance.

Following the class cabinet reports, three proposals were brought before the ASC members.

The first proposal was presented by Allison, who proposed that, due to Asbury’s desire to be good stewards and teach good stewardship, the cafeteria should begin recycling. “Simply, I believe that [recycling] helps us to be better stewards of the earth,” Allison said. “Recycling is an easy way to practice stewardship, with immediate benefits.”

He informed the committee that the food not eaten throughout the day is used at the mission farm and is therefore recycled; however, the glass, plastic and paper products are not recycled.

After answering several questions about Allison’s proposal, Archer called for a vote and the proposal was passed. 

Allison also presented the second proposal, which was a motion to repaint the interior of the student center. The estimated cost of this project would be around $20,000, according to Allison’s report. He also informed the ASC that during the EC’s pancake hour that takes place on Tuesday nights in the student center, they have been asking students’ opinion on what renovations should happen in the student center, and more specifically what color of paint should be used if they were to repaint the student center. Allison informed ASC members that about 100 students have been polled, but he did not give a specific color that was agreed upon. 

“Because so many students have expressed negative opinions about the current color, I feel that repainting the student center will add a breath of new life into it, especially since ASC has planned to improve the student center in other ways,” Allison said. “Many people study, congregate, and hold events in the student center, many of which are open to the public. If there was a more pleasing atmosphere in the student center I believe it would increase positivity on campus.”

When the floor was opened for questions and comments about the proposal, there were several questions concerning the necessity of this action. Paul Stephens informed those in attendance that the student center had been repainted in 2007. Other students raised the questions of the possibility of using this type of money for other additions to the student center, which might be more pressing, instead of paint. When the proposal was voted on, it did not pass. 

The final proposal was presented by Archer, who proposed to make a revision to the ASC guidebook. This revision would move EC elections earlier in the school year to make the transition from one cabinet to the other easier. Currently, their elections are held three weeks before spring break. When this proposal was voted on, it passed. 

After the proposals were voted on, the floor was open for different committees to make announcements as needed. During this time Stephens announced that this summer the Grille will be renovated into more of a Panera-style atmosphere and different food options will be provided. Part of this process will be visiting other schools who also use Pioneer College Caterers to see how they do things differently. 

Once committee chairs shared their announcements, the meeting was closed with a prayer, and the ASC was formally adjourned for the semester. 

Archer’s goal for next semester is to continue to increase involvement. “I hope this campus can get more and more involved in Asbury and the surrounding communities,” said Archer. “I also would love to see Student Congress grow dramatically in size.”


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