Month: August 2014
By Naomi FriedmanStaff Writer Although there have been efforts to contain the recent Ebola Virus Disease outbreak, the spread of...
By Brooke MorseSenior Features Writer A rise in the number of incoming transfers reminds us that the freshmen are not...
By Hannah SchultzNews Editor This summer Asbury University’s $33,000 total cost was ranked as #50 in the “Top 50 Most...
By Meredith Schellin Executive Editor My entire body tensed as we pulled into the apartment complex. I tried my...
Nathan Sharp Contributing Writer If you are in any way connected to the outside world, you are familiar with...
By Lael Shields Contributing Writer What is Asbury like during the summer, when its students have left for home,...
By Paula DiazFeatures Editor Close your eyes and go back to a time before you were a teenager, where life...
By Katie EllingtonContributing Writer Screaming and waving pool noodles in the air, diving on their stomachs, and sliding on their...
By Bryce ShockleyStaff Writer New Student Orientation (NSO) undoubtedly plays a vital role in introducing incoming stu- dents and quickly...