Top Ten Places to Shop with a Student Discount

By Alyssa Driscoll, Contributing Writer

The semester is almost over, and there are just a few more weeks to go before it’s time to go home for the holidays. So what’s our biggest problem besides finals week? Gifts and holiday trips. I know some nights I can’t even afford to get cheese fries at Tolly Ho, which means I probably cannot afford to break the bank on Christmas gifts for my family or head out on holiday adventures with my friends back home.  Money is tough for most college students; however, there are a few stores that have a special discount just for us.

J Crew

Yes, this store always has way too many numbers on the price tags, but when you flash your pretty Asbury University ID, you can score 15 percent off. Get moving on those striped sweaters!


What a perfect time for this store to show up just twenty minutes away from campus. They offer 15 percent off your purchase with you student ID. Add that to the awesome holiday deals that are about to show up, and you can save yourself a pretty penny.

Eddie  Bauer

Whether it’s outdoorsy clothing basics or camping equipment, you can get 15 percent off regular priced items in store with your student ID. Adventure leadership, we’re looking at you.

Urban  Outfitters

Speaking of another store that opened in Lex recently, you can score 10 percent off your purchase. They even have a student program you can subscribe to so you’re kept in the know.

Ann  Taylor

You can get 20 percent off your full priced purchase at this store with your student ID. Maybe the holiday sales won’t help, but 20 percent off is pretty nice.

Banana  Republic

Ah yes, another 20 percent off discount. I can hear those herald angels sing. Maybe this gift will be for mom… or maybe for myself.

Goodwill College

College students love thrifting and usually we head to the old GW to save some cash anyway (hello, one dollar bin!). They offer 10 percent off their already low prices to college students; shocking but true.


The incredibly cool store that lacks enough storefronts here in America gives 10 percent off. What’s amazing is that you can use it in store and online.


Traveling home or to see friends this holiday season? You can get the Student Advantage Discount Card and receive 20 percent off your tickets.

Rail  Europe

If you’re planning on visiting friends or family abroad this year, you’ll want to know about this deal. If you’re 26 years or younger you can take advantage of getting a youth pass on the Rail Europe, a great way to cut down on those travel expenses.


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