Athlete of the Week: Tyler Smith

Hometown: Lexington, Kentucky.


Major: Sports Management with a minor in Coaching.

Who first influenced you to play basketball?

I would say the person that influenced me to play ball was my mom. She bought me a Fischer Price goal and a copy of Space Jam. At that time I wanted to be like Michael Jordan. I guess my mom could see potential in me at an early age.

Who are a few teammates you really admire?

I would say I admire Jimmie Roper. Last year, I spent a lot of time with him and eventually became his roommate. Now, he is like a big brother to me. He’s someone I can talk to about life and receive spiritual advice. Another teammate I admire is Ryan Brightwell. I look up to him because he is a great teammate. He shows up everyday for practice and is one of our hardest workers. He also cheers the hardest for us. I’m also close to my roommate Kristian Morgan. We are the same age and came into college together. I also admire Jack Schmitt and Zach Freeman.

What is a trait that you admire in one of your coaches?

I admire the competiveness from Coach Shouse. We both have that deep fire to compete everyday and I love it.

Do you have a favorite professional basketball team? 

My favorite professional basketball team is the Chicago Bulls. You could say I’m a die-hard fan for them.

Do you have a favorite quote that motivates you?

My favorite quote is, “I can accept failure, and everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.” – Michael Jordan


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