On-campus Events More Frequent

By Cynthia Moberly, Staff Writer

At a tiny Christian college in a small town like Wilmore, it’s easy to spend your weekend either locked up in your dorm room or in nearby cities such as Lexington. The lack of things to do in such a small town can be concerning because the sense of community can become compromised when students spend more time involved with events or opportunities for weekend fun off-campus. This year, the Student Activities Board (SAB) has been working hard to put together events for the weekends, resulting in a drastic increase in on-campus events.

Coffeehouse Concerts, Comedy night, and Pancakes in the Stuce are just a few of the on-campus events that have been held on weekends this semester.

Vice President of Student Activities Meredith Anderson says that last year, the biggest complaint among students was that there was nothing to do on the weekends. “When I was elected as VP of Student Activities, that was my number one goal—to eliminate that weekend boredom by creating fun events for the weekends,” Anderson said.

The point of the events is to keep students involved with one other on campus in order to foster that sense of community. Sophomore Lizzy Sherwood said that she liked seeing the freshman class become integrated with the rest of the students last semester at movie nights. “I think [the weekend events] are a great way to build community and take a break from homework,” Sherwood said.

“The events SAB has been working on are created to do just that, and so far, I really believe that we are achieving that goal,” Anderson said.

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