Successful Scholarship weekend

By Cynthia Moberly, Staff Writer

The Asbury University Scholarship Competitions, one of which was held this past weekend, are events for high school students who qualify to compete for top merit scholarships. In addition to competing for scholarships, students have the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of the academic, spiritual and social life at Asbury while connecting with future classmates and professors.

“We had 30 students registered and all 30 showed up,” Asbury’s visit coordinator, Mallary Wiley, said in response to the successful weekend. “Finding hosts was much simpler at this event than Winter ACCESS because it was a much smaller group, and we always have current students who competed in the Scholarship Competition in high school who enjoy hosting present competitors.”

Prospective students and their guests got to hear from Vice President of Student Development Sarah Baldwin, Provost Jon Kulaga and all four of the campus deans.

What seemed to be the highlight of the event was the banquet at Wesley Village on Friday evening. Asbury President Sandra Gray opened with prayer, the Men’s Glee Club sang, Professor of English and Associate Dean Dr. Daniel Strait challenged and inspired the group and sophomore Leslie Meade shared about her experience as a scholarship competitor.

“Being around all of the competitors this year made it easy to remember the anxiety of interviews,” Meade said. “I think the most important thing to communicate to the students is that they can trust the Lord as he’s making a way for them somewhere, whether that be at Asbury or not.”

The Admissions Office is expecting close to 60 students at the next Scholarship Competition, which begins the evening of Feb. 19.


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