All-Star Band Clinic 2015 Kicks Off

By Bria Isaacson, Contributing Writer

The 39th Annual Asbury University All-Star Band Clinic began on Nov. 19 and continues through this weekend.

This year, there are 92 high school students in attendance from 23 schools in Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana and Georgia, according to concert band director Dr. Glen Flanigan.

For the past 39 years, the Clinic has brought together talented band students and a nationally-known guest conductor. This year’s guest conductor is Carol Dunevant, a conductor of several professional and semi-professional chamber ensembles, such as the Tri-State Chamber Players, the Concinnity Winds and the Simon Brass.

Giving students the ability to work with exceptional musicians such as Dunevant is only one of the reasons that Asbury sponsors this event. The event also is a chance to “experience Asbury University, provide an educational experience, [and] be of spiritual benefit,” said Flanigan.

Students attending the clinic experience Asbury by staying in residence halls with hosts, eating in the dining hall, attending chapel and hearing concerts by the Asbury University music department ensembles.

Carly Jameson, Erika Armstrong and Camyron Burdsall, from the Christian Academy of Indiana, look forward to hanging out on campus and practicing music with a variety of talented musicians.

Armstrong, who also attended the clinic last year, said, “I enjoy the opportunity to play with kids not in our school band. There’s a different range of musicians. It’s also good to be with different directors.”

In addition to this educational opportunity, Jameson was excited to have so many students in her section.

“There are three students in my section at our school, but there are 13 here. It’s nice to have so many in the section, because it makes it really powerful and loud.”

These three students, as well as the other nine from their school, are also having fun hanging out with college students.

Asbury sophomores Kelly Hagan and Phoebe Glaser are hosting Jameson and Armstrong.

“I really love getting to know them outside of their classes and having late night talks and laughing together,” said Hagan. It is things like this that Burdsall especially likes, as it gives her the opportunity to hang out with older students.

The clinic students are looking forward also to performing their own concert, which will be in Hughes Auditorium at 3 p.m. on Saturday.

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