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Follow-up: Someone is better than Ronda Rousey

By Matthew Pertz, Sports Writer

What do gender stereotypes, people who wear white after Labor Day, and my Nov. 6 opinion article on Ronda Rousey all have in common?

All three are ostentatiously wrong.

Merely one week after I declared the then-undefeated Rousey “the most dominant athlete on the planet,” Rousey was (ironically) dominated by Holly Holm in the biggest upset in UFC history. The fight ended with Holm’s devastating roundhouse kick and the united sigh of a nation as the undisputed champion became the undisputed second-best. As Rousey fell to the mat just before midnight Saturday, a painful thought formed in my head:

“Crap, I was really wrong.”

[column size=two_third position=first ]So, with a heavy heart and bruised ego, I officially apologize for stating that Rousey’s fight against Holm would “only serve to further her standing as the most dominant athlete on the planet.” That was obviously an overstatement.

Holm was the better fighter from start to finish, constantly pestering Rousey with quick jabs and sharp elbows. After only 59 seconds of action, Rousey lost both her undefeated record and my arbitrary title of “most dominant athlete in sports.”[/column]

[column size=one_third position=last ]

I was really wrong.”


While the main point of my article was disproven, I still believe my piece was mostly factual, especially the point on Mike Trout. I still know nothing about the guy.

Rousey will wait at least six months before her next fight, at which point I’ll feel obligated to write about her again. Hopefully then I won’t be as painfully wrong as I am now.


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