Jack-o'-lantern carved from pumpkins and lit with tea lights

Halloween Costumes from Your Childhood

By Hannah Schultz, Features Editor and Allison Antram, Managing Editor

Have a last-minute Halloween party that you want to crash, but Walmart is all out of costumes with more than two square-inches of fabric? Give these partygoers a reminder of what the 90s childhood was like (we all know it was the best), with these throwback costumes right out of your closet.

1. The Cheetah Girls

Grab four of your friends, matching sweatpants of different colors and every cheetah- print accessory you own. Walk around saying “Cheetahlicious” all night and channel all of your Raven-Symone’s sass.

2. Kim Possible

For this one, all you need is a pair of military or green cargo pants, a black turtleneck rolled up above your bellybutton and a pair of gloves. Frequently look at your phone and say, “What’s the sitch?” For the ultimate couple’s costume, convince your boyfriend to wear khaki cargo pants, a black long-sleeved undershirt, and a red tee-shirt to be your side-kick, Ron Stoppable. Optional: have your Ron follow you around all night, singing, “Call me, beep me, if you want to reach me.”

3. Steve from “Blue’s Clues”

This one is super simple: a green (preferably striped) long-sleeved polo tucked into khakis with a belt. Print out a picture of Blue and tape it on your back, so Blue peaks out over your shoulder. Walk up to every person at the party and say, “Hi, out there! It’s me Steve! Have you seen my Blue? My puppy?”

4. Patrick from “Spongebob”

Feel free to get a little creative with the face-paint on this one, but for the down and dirty costume, just throw on a pink shirt and green shorts and use pink construction paper to make a cone-shaped hat. Answer your phone at least once every five minutes and angrily yell, “No, this is Patrick!”

Happy Halloween, Asbury!

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