Multicultural Worship Night

By Melina Martinez, Contributing Writer

Monday night, the multicultural programs celebrated their last event of the semester, honoring the Hispanic culture with a worship night held in the student center and lead by the Vino Nuevo worship band.

[column size=two_third position=first ]The band sang worship songs in Spanish and English, with short messages and words of encouragement between songs. The band had many instrumentalists, including saxophone and violin, as well as the usual instruments of drums, bass and piano.

The main vocalist Jessica Mendez, encouraged students to step out of their comfort zone and let the Holy Spirit take over. Students stood during the worship and many clapped and moved around as well. The band brought their family along with them, which changed the overall atmosphere of the room. Their young children danced around and showed the Asbury students what it is like to worship God in a Hispanic church.

“I really loved the music. It made me feel connected to God during this stressful semester,” said sophomore Alicia Palladino. She went on to explain that during the song “Oceans,” she was reminded why she came to Asbury.

After the worship was over, which lasted an hour, members of the band shared their testimony. A few of the testimonies were very emotional as the band members explained how God completely turned their lives around.

“[The testimonies] were truly inspiring and opened my eyes to the diversity that we have within our own community,” said senior Dana Nurge.[/column]

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After the worship was over, which lasted an hour, members of the band shared their testimony.


Once the event ended, the band stayed longer and spent time with the students who wanted more information about them. Horchata and pan dulce were available for refreshments, a cinnamon beverage and a Hispanic biscuit.

This event showcased how the Hispanic community worships God and how open Hispanics are about sharing their cultures with others. Next semester, the multicultural programs will be focusing on African-American culture.

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