ASC Member of the Week: Aaron Evans

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Journalism with Creative Writing Minor[/column]

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Spiritual Life Board


Co-Chair of WHATT (Worship Him All The Time)[/column]

What’s the importance of your committee/branch?

The goal of WHATT on Asbury’s campus is to unite students in hopeful prayer for various causes, all the while valuing a lifestyle of worship, intimacy with the Father, and hosting the presence of God at all times. 

What has been the best moment you’ve experienced while involved with them?

WHATT was actually one of the first leadership positions I was ever trusted with in a ministry context back when it started in the Fall of 2014, and it really gave me the space to grow as a worship and prayer leader.

What do you want other students on campus to know about your ministries?

WHATT is an all-inclusive ministry; you can’t have a prayer room without people praying in it. It’s not just for worship or ministry majors, or people who are “spiritual.” We welcome anyone to come to the prayer room and join as we stand in the gap for the various causes the Lord has placed on our hearts. We don’t want WHATT to be just another ministry people show up to, we want to create a culture of wholehearted lovers of Jesus who lock arms with each other in prayer, because the truth is, because of Jesus, we all share the same bloodline.

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