Annual Math and Science Event Draws 200 Kids to Campus

By Bria Isaacson, Staff Writer

Tomorrow, 200 homeschool students grades kindergarten through eight, will be visiting Asbury University to participate in Kid’s College. This annual event is presented by Sigma Zeta Math and Science Honor Society and gives students (primarily homeschoolers) an opportunity to learn biology, chemistry, and physics in a Christian setting.

According to Sigma Zeta advisor Ann Witherington, Kid’s College is an outreach program to “provide activities for off-campus families [and] build community relations.”

Although the science activities presented change each year, the format has remained the same. Students learn about each topic—chemistry, biology, and physics—for one hour, creating a three-hour program.

This year, the biology section will showcase live reptiles and amphibians.

Kid’s College provides a place for the labs and “the type of science that can rarely be done at home,” said Witherington.

Although designing new scientific activities every year is challenging, Witherington says it gives Asbury students a chance to “be creative and get younger students excited about science.”

Tyler Ogden, the Sigma Zeta Treasurer, loves exactly this about Kid’s College. “I love getting the opportunity to teach kids about concepts, many of them new to them, [such as] crystal structure, how gases work, [and] exploding methane. I like getting [the kids] excited about science,” said Ogden.

Volunteers are not only excited to showcase science, but to showcase God’s creation by looking at the wonders of the world.

Sigma Zeta President Jacob Meece said, “It’s my hope that kids who take part in the event return home with an awakened fascination in God’s creation and a desire to better understand it through science.”

Witherington, who has been involved since 2004, remembers when Kid’s College had 80 or 100 homeschool students attend. In comparison, over 200 students will attend this year and there is even a waiting list in case spots open up.

Meece has been involved with Kid’s College since his freshman year and has seen the event develop through the years.

“Kid’s College has always been a popular local event, but it currently draws more attention than it ever has in the past…. Seats filled up the first day online registration opened!” said Meece.

Witherington said, “The fun and value of our program has spread far and wide. Many come from Louisville and other towns over an hour away.”

Kid’s College is run by volunteers. Witherington says over 50 Asbury volunteers will be helping with this year’s program.

Meece reflected on the years he has helped Kid’s College as a chemistry lab volunteer and said, “…Kid’s College is truly volunteer led, and Asbury students have a unique opportunity to serve in whatever capacity they desire.”

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