ASC Member of the Week: Aubrey Charette

CLASS: Anchored

MAJOR: Psychology

BRANCH: Spiritual Life Board

COMMITTEE: Class Chaplain

What is the importance of your committee?

Class Chaplains are primarily in charge of planning Class Prayer, but the branch as a whole oversees the spiritual life events on campus. It is actually quite fun because our meetings are more like meaningful small group gatherings than actual meetings. Along with Class Prayers, our branch hosts events such as WHATT, WHIM, WHAM, and Word (all the W’s) and hears from committees such as InReach and the Salvation Army.

What has been the best moment you’ve experience while being involved with them?

I have received so much refreshment hearing from other leaders within the branch. We often get to share what we are learning about life and about the awesome things that are happening amongst students. There was one meeting where we ended up hearing about multiple students coming to know Jesus as Savior, having been truly touched by the Lord through a specific spiritual life event. We then ended in a time of prayer for the needs of those within our branch. It was truly powerful and such a blessing!

What do you want other students on campus to know about your committee/branch?

This is a wonderful branch to be a part of! Our VP of Spiritual Life is fantastic and in touch with not only our committee’s needs but also with our personal needs. There are so many great leaders and committees that long to cater to the student body. There are also many areas to get involved, so if this is an area on campus that you are interested in, no matter your major, there is always room for service!

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