New Therapist Hired

By Claire Webb, Contributing Writer

The Center for Counseling has experienced many changes over the past year, from reaching maximum capacity last spring to hiring a new full time staff member this semester.

Anna Lee Brown was recently hired as a full time therapist, while Kevin Bellew has taken over as director and Associate Dean of Wholeness and Wellness. In his new role, Bellew will continue to provide counseling to students, but will also be working with Student Health Services. Bellew says his goal for the center is that resources will not be limited to students who visit the Center for Counseling. He hopes to begin providing programming, workshops, talk-back sessions and discussions on campus to allow all students the opportunity to improve their health and wellness. Beginning this month, students will be offered a Self-Care and Repair Workshop, Thursdays at 1:00 at WGM. WGM also hosted a Relaxation Workshop yesterday and will offer another April 23.

“We are hoping to take the message of physical wellness, emotional wellness, spiritual wellness, intellectual wellness, and relational wellness to the larger campus community,” said Bellew. This mindset will be beneficial to campus, especially since there has been difficulty meeting student demand in the past. Bellew commented that this issue has been addressed with the addition of two intern counselors, as well as a group counseling option. He also spoke of the positive influence that Brown will bring to the center.

“She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the Center for Counseling,” said Bellew.

Brown obtained her BA in Psychology here at Asbury, and went on to Asbury Theological Seminary to earn her MA in Counseling. Brown spent time in New Hampshire gaining more counseling experience in a residential treatment program designed to help males struggling with mental health disorders and substance abuse. In recent years, Brown has worked with Bluegrass Regional Mental Health.

Brown says that she is inspired by the brave students who take initiative in their mental and emotional health by engaging in therapeutic work.

“I am glad to be a part of the AU community this way,” said Brown, “and I look forward to hearing the stories one day of ways these dynamic students overcame obstacles and will impact the world from their own unique experiences.”

Bellew stated the importance of assisting students regarding their emotional and physical health while attending Asbury, but especially pointed out the priority of the Center to ensure that students take this emotional and physical wellness with them when they graduate so they may impact the world for the cause of Christ.

The workshops and programs that the center intends to offer will allow students to understand how to manage the stress and tension of college life by equipping them with tools to manage time, combat stress and anxiety, and realize the importance of relaxation.

The Center for Counseling wants students to know they are welcome and encouraged to use counseling services Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. You can also email counseling@asbury.eduor visit their webpage at

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