Kinlaw Incorporating New Ways to Study

By Hannah Stafford, News Editor

As classes continue and exams begin to appear, Kinlaw Library has many exciting changes to make the study process more efficient, enjoyable and even healthier for students.

The biggest change is the addition of ‘Brody’ workstations. Six of these cubicles have been placed along the window that faces the semi-circle and are there to encourage individual studying.

“We already had a lot of places for groups to study,” said Morgan Tracy, the director of library services, “but after talking to students last year it was clear that we needed to add some options for quiet, individual study, which is what the Brody chairs provide.”

Even students who prefer to study in groups, agree that the new chairs have benefits.

I think they [Brody chairs] definitely encourage private creativity.” Said Bryce Hockema, senior, “So while they don’t necessarily promote ‘community’, which is how I prefer doing things, I do definitely see the benefit of them.”

img_3159In order to make room for the Brody chairs, the armchairs from that area were moved to create a separate study spot in the center of the main floor. Tracy said that he has already seen frequent use of both areas. Another change came with moving the feature film section to the front of the library, near the circulation desk.

“I’ve also seen a lot of usage of the DVDs,” Tracy said. “The word is getting out that it’s a handy way to get a film for a fun movie night.”

At the Circulation Desk, students now have the option to stop by for complimentary ear plugs or a complimentary drink of cold-infused water. They can also anticipate improved lighting in the upstairs quiet zones.

One of the most unique changes brought to Kinlaw this year was the addition of a new FitDesk bike.

“Basically, we implemented these changes because we wanted to address the variety of ways that students in 2016 like to study,” Tracy said. “The FitDesk bike is a little more experimental – we’re not sure how many students prefer to study this way, but we’re curious to find out! The other changes were also based on prior student feedback and observation. Our goal is to be responsive to student input, and to adjust our spaces and services to best meet student demand!”

There is a comment box near the FitDesk for students to provide feedback and so far all of the comments have been very supportive. Some have even requested a second bike.

“We do rely heavily on student feedback for the changes we make, so I encourage all students to let us know what we can do better at the library,” Tracy said. “I always enjoy talking to students in person about their ideas, but if they would prefer a little anonymity, we do have a suggestion box at the Circulation Desk.”

While some students aren’t completely sure how they feel about these particular changes, they do like the library’s reasoning for making them.

“I think it’s a great idea to try new things and see what works well-what fits our school and student body in particular.” Said Sally Pegram, Sophomore, “What works for some people may not work for others and trying new ideas is how we find that out.”

Tracy described the overall effect of these changes is a good reflection of the new theme for Executive Cabinet, “Equipped for Quality.”

“Personally, I feel that all of the changes do exactly that: equip the library for quality service to our students,” Tracy said. “We hope these changes help students to see Kinlaw as a warm, inviting place to go to tackle their homework, work on a group project, or just hang out and relax.”

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