Second Annual Student Bonfire and Showcase

Hannah Stafford, News Editor

Homecoming Weekend at Asbury is one of the busiest and most exciting times on campus. Sporting events, concerts and the homecoming dance have all been a part of the festivities for quite some time; however, last year a new tradition began: the bonfire.

Student Activities Board (SAB) has decided to schedule a bonfire at the reservoir again this year, but with a few additions. It is the final event of a busy Thursday and will immediately follow the sitcom taping. In addition to the bonfire classic of s’mores, Ale-8 will be served, giving the event an Asbury flair.

Co-chairs of the Recreational Events Committee (REC), sophomore Margaret Whitworth and junior Lauren Edgell, are very excited for this year’s bonfire and have high hopes for the effect it will have on homecoming weekend as a whole.

“My hope is that the easy atmosphere adds to the community focus of homecoming week and that we can enjoy one another and a few of Asbury’s most talented performers,” Edgell said.

New this year, there will also be live music during the bonfire to showcase the talents of various students.

“The bonfire is something that SAB did for the first time last year, and I thought it would be cool to add an acoustic student concert this year,” said senior Lizzy Sherwood, vice president of SAB. “There will be some great Asbury talent.”

The REC is working with the concert committee, which has not yet announced the students who will be performing, to coordinate the two-fold event. It is scheduled on Thursday of homecoming weekend to broaden the possibilities of attendees.

[perfectpullquote align=”right” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]“My hope is that the easy atmosphere adds to the community focus of homecoming week and that we can enjoy one another and a few of Asbury’s most talented performers,”[/perfectpullquote]

“We planned this event to coincide with sibling invasion,” said Whitworth. “We hope that it will be a chance for siblings to share in the Asbury experience.”

The second annual student bonfire will take place in the Abiding Pavilion from 8:30-11:00 p.m. Oct. 6.

More information about the event will be released as the date nears, but if students have any questions regarding it, they can contact Sherwood,


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