ASC Member of the Week: Timothy Bradshaw

ASC Member of the Week: Timothy Bradshaw

Class: Anchored
Major: Business
Branch: Spiritual Life Board
Committee/role: Class Chaplain

What is the importance of your committee/role?

We [the female chaplain and I] serve the Anchored Class in the method of prayer. We help plan and run class prayer once a month for all Anchored class members. We also pray over the seniors and take prayer requests from them.
What has been the best moment you’ve experienced while being involved with them?

This far, the best moment for me has been the opening night of class prayer. We had a solid turnout and just a great night of worship and prayer. I look forward to the ones to come!

What do you want other students on campus to know about your committee/branch?

That we simply love you, care for you and pray for you, not only for your walk with Christ but your daily ventures and obstacles you may face. We want to serve you the best we can, and look forward to doing just that as the year progresses. Also, contact me at any time. I’m always available to chat or just help you out in any way that I can.

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