Faith unites where politics divide

By Kaiser Shaffer, Creative Director

I dislike the things that divide us. It seems this election has done just that more than ever. Uncertainty surrounds the leadership for this nation, and that can be scary to those who want to see change for the better.

However, this I know for sure: our Christian unity should be strengthened regardless of the results of this election. And we can be thankful that Asbury provides a special place in the midst of such uncertain times. Our shared unity as Christians should provide a place where we can discuss ideas and viewpoints without fear of the judgment and division that seems to plague our social media. The 2016 election saw some of the most divided online conversations ever according to a recent Pew Research survey, with 49 percent of respondents saying they find political social media posts angrier and 53 percent finding discussions less respectful.  The hope we have as Christians is that no matter which side we fall on, we can always come back to our shared faith in Jesus Christ.

[perfectpullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Comfort is found in the fact that no matter who the president of the United States is, we know who sits on the throne.[/perfectpullquote]

Comfort is found in the fact that no matter who the president of the United States is, we know who sits on the throne. Like the famous theologian Chance the Rapper says, “Don’t believe in kings; believe in the Kingdom.” This mentality, a recognition of the words of Jesus in John 15:19, speaks to the fact that our actions should be motivated by the calling of the Holy Spirit, not a political agenda. It is not meant to be dismissive of the very real fears of marginalized people but rather should embolden us to speak up.

Striving for unity sometimes requires challenging the rhetoric that serves only to pit people against each other. Living in a post-2016 America is going to take some adjustment. Because there has been so much hurtful language used, we Christians need to be people of corrective truth and love in times where lies and hate abound on all sides. Andy Crouch, executive editor of Christianity Today, writes that “evangelicals, of all people, should not be silent about Donald Trump’s blatant immorality.”

We have yet to see how far we may be required to go to preserve truth in the coming years, but in an era where political leaders are not held accountable for their harmful words, we must be ready to remind the world that this is not the way it has to be. Our hearts should break for people now scared to live within the borders of our nation. We cannot become complacent with and numb to the world.

If the president doesn’t quite fit your vision of a better world, fulfill the act of being the hands and feet of Christ to the world. It’s a time to show the nation that the way of heaven isn’t one of hate and discrimination but of a James 1:27 faith, with love for the orphan and care for the refugee. If we wait for the government to fulfill heaven, we’re going to be waiting a long time.

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