Collegian staff’s favorite Christmas songs

By Kayla Lutes, Features Editor

Regardless of whether you start blaring Christmas songs after Halloween or only on Christmas Day, Christmas songs are the perfect way to get into the spirit of Christmas. Here is a list of the Collegian staff’s favorite songs. Play these tunes and meditate on the meaning of the season, or let them be the background to your Christmas festivities.

Kayla Lutes, Features Editor

Song: “Silent Night”

This song gets me every year. With lines like “Son of God, loves pure light” and “the dawn of redeeming grace,” “Silent Night” serves as an excellent reminder for the real reason for the season. Not only does it talk of Christ’s entrance to the world, but it points to the love and grace of the cross. Plus, the soft melody is a nice change of pace from the more obnoxious Christmas tunes (looking at you, “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer”).

Hannah Schultz, Executive Editor

Song: “Walking Through the Air” by Howard Blake

Most of my favorite Christmas songs earn a place in my heart solely by merit of their nostalgic value. Don’t ask me why, but my mom was obsessed with “The Snowman” by Raymond Briggs, and my dad was obsessed with 80s movies, so the 1982 animated version of “The Snowman” was a Christmas classic for us. This haunting Celtic song plays during the pivotal scene of the movie, and every time I listen to it, I feel like a little 4 year old snuggled in between my parents.

Sarah Anthony, Web Editor

Song: “Merry Christmas, Darling” by The Carpenters

I have a lot of favorite Christmas songs and carols, but “Merry Christmas, Darling” is near and dear to my heart. It reminds me of decorating the tree with my mom and having the Carpenters Christmas album ring through the house. The song is also actually in my range too, so it’s easy to sing.

Kari Lutes, Features Editor

Song: Do You Hear What I Hear?

There is such an innocence to this song. The moment I hear this song, I feel like I’m a kid again, riding in the back on my mom’s van, wrapped in my coat as I stare at the stars after a long day of Christmas shopping. As an adult, I love the imagery of the sights and sounds of the night of the Nativity. To me the song encompasses the spirit of Christmas, telling everyone the good news that Jesus was born.

Elijah Lutz, Copy Editor & Matthew Pertz, Opinion Editor

Song: “All I Want For Christmas is You” by Mariah Carey

No shame, we have an unusual obsession with this masterpiece of Christmas music. Both of us will be the first ones to admit that, but this song does not even think about failing to get us into the spirit of the Christmas season. It is catchy, uplifting and cheerful to the point that we seem to find ourselves even more enveloped in the Christmas spirit the more the year goes on. Even if we were to hear this song in the dead of summer, it would work.

Hannah Stafford, News Editor

Song: “Christmas is All in the Heart” by Steven Curtis Chapman

Steven Curtis Chapman has always been one of my favorite artists and his Christmas albums are no exception. This beautiful song talks of finding joy in the season despite financial, emotional or physical roadblocks. My mom used to always skip the song when it played because it made her cry, but dad has often talked about their first Christmas together with a “Charlie Brown tree” and newspaper-wrapped presents. I think it beautifully captures the essence of Christmas and that even when the “stuff” is stripped away, to paraphrase the Grinch, Christmas comes anyway and just as glorious as ever.

Kaiser Shaffer, Creative Director

Song: “Deck the Hall” by Mannheim Steamroller

Being one of the few Christmas CDs we owned back in the day, the first few notes of this Mannheim Steamroller song immediately take me back to my childhood memories of gathering with my family to decorate the house for Christmas. It’s a visceral reaction. I can smell the cinnamon and pine in the air, feel the warm of cookies with hot cocoa and see the glowing dim of a living room illuminated by a fully decorated tree. It’s a special of the year and one full of memories that I will cherish forever.

Rachel Terry, Opinion Editor

Song: “Christmas Eve/Sarajevo” by Trans-Siberian Orchestra 

“God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman” and “Carol of the Bells” come together in this intense yet festive Christmas tune to kickstart this special season. The contagious energy of the orchestra mimics the movement of dancing Christmas lights often out on display. Moreover, this song takes me back to the scene in “Home Alone,” one of my family’s favorite Christmas movies, where Kevin is setting up traps throughout his house to catch the burglars. It’s also great for playing air guitar.

Taryn Cipowski, Photographer and Layout Design Editor

Song: “Rockin around the Christmas Tree” by Brenda Lee

Ever since I was little, when this song came on, I would dance like crazy and well, rock out to it. I still know all the words and am known to get–as the kids say–lit when it comes on.

Zack Peñalva, Sports Editor

Song: “Merry Christmas Baby” by Otis Redding

Year after year after year, hearing the same renditions of the same songs can get stale. I  like to hear some different takes on the usual songs, and Otis Redding’s voice is something a lot different than what you normally hear.


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