Center of Academic Excellence receives donation

by Hannah Stafford, News Editor, and Tory McKinley, Contributing Writer

Having recently passed through the holiday season, many have felt the spirit of giving through gifts both given and received. This rings true for the Center of Academic Excellence (CAE), which received a significant donation from an alumnus shortly before Christmas Break began.

The alumnus who provided the donation utilized the resources that the CAE offered when he attended Asbury University and wants other students to have the same experience that he did. President Sandra Gray expressed appreciation for the donation.

“The donor credits his degree to the assistance given to him by our Center for Academic Excellence and wishes to pay it forward,” she said. “In his words, he would not be an Asbury graduate or have the rewarding position he holds today without the personalized attention he received. With this gift, the CAE can expand the support it provides and help future generations of Asbury students.”

CAE Director Corrie Merricks is very excited for the potential this donation holds for the center and already has many plans for it. The money donated will facilitate an enriched collaborative learning experience and benefit the tutors and students alike.

“We are going to redesign our space to make collaborative learning more possible,” Merricks said. “The idea is that learning takes place when we work together to figure things out. Part of it will be getting new furniture to make working together possible.”

Junior Faith Neece, a writing consultant, said, “The CAE works well because of its emphasis on one-on-one tutoring. When students are able to work closely with a tutor, their individual academic needs are met, and they can begin to really excel academically.”

[perfectpullquote align=”right” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]“In his words, he would not be an Asbury graduate or have the rewarding position he holds today without the personalized attention he received.”[/perfectpullquote]

The setup of the CAE is imperative to get the most out of each tutoring session, which will be improved thanks to the donation. Not only will the actual space be upgraded, but new technology is on the list as well.

“We also hope to use [the money] for some technology for students with disabilities,” Merricks said. “For example, if a student has low vision or is vision impaired, there is technology that will make their textbooks enlarged.”

Finally, the tutors and writing consultants will be able to make each session with students more beneficial through some of the supplementary actions the donation will facilitate.

“The tutors and writing consultants will receive better training so they have more expertise,” said Merricks. “With the extra training provided, the caliber of assistance given will be better than many years before.”

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