Trump promises to clean up Washington, restore jobs in first 100 days

By Johnny Otley, Contributing Writer

An announcement was made to the American people on June 16, 2015, that Donald Trump would run for the White House. Now, over a year and a half later, Trump has won the presidential election and is positioned to assume the role as the U.S’s leader. The inauguration takes place in the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center at 9 a.m. today.

With his inauguration and official acceptance as the role of U.S. president, what can the American people expect Trump’s actions to be in the coming days?

In late October, then-President- elect Trump released his 100-day plan.

According to NPR, during the first few months of his presidency, Trump has promised to clean up dishonesty in Washington, including proposing a Constitutional amendment to install term limits on all members of Congress, to protect American jobs and to restore rule of law.

According to “Donald Trump’s Contract with the American Voter,” released by his campaign, Trump plans to protect American workers by renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA); withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) that includes Canada, Chile, Mexico, Singapore and other Pacific Rim countries; labeling China as a “currency manipulator;” ending foreign trade abuses that unfairly impact American workers; lifting restrictions on shale, oil, natural gas and clean coal to produce “50 trillion dollars’ worth of job-producing American energy reserves” and cancelling billions slated to go to UN climate-change programs.

To restore rule of law, according to his 100-day plan, he plans to remove the two million “criminal illegal immigrants from the country” and to “suspend immigration from terror-prone regions where vetting cannot safely occur.”

[perfectpullquote align=”right” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]What can the American people expect
Trump’s actions to be in the coming days?[/perfectpullquote]

Trump also laid out his plan to introduce ten pieces of legislation that will repeal Obamacare—a process that has already begun, though a plan to replace Obamacare has yet to be proposed—begin construction on the wall across the southern border— which he recently stated will be initially funded by the U.S. and be reimbursed to the American government through heavy taxation on the Mexican government—rebuild our military, support veterans and work with our education system to create more freedom of choice for students.

“We look forward to working with him,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said, though predictions of McConnell and Trump’s relationship show disputes over term limits and infrastructure changes. Repealing Obamacare, handling tax reform and achieving border security are the highest priority items for the Senate, according to NPR.

To learn more about Trump’s policies and his “Contract with the American Voter,” visit

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