ASC Member of the Week: Angie Molnar

Class: Merciful

Major: Business

Branch: Student Activities Board

Committee/role: Chair of the Concerts Committee


What is the importance of your committee/role?

I have the privilege of being able to organize all of the on-campus concerts put on by SAB. I get to interact with bands and artists that I think the students will enjoy and get to put on a really cool concert.

What has been the best moment you’ve experienced while being involved with them?

Last semester, the concerts committee hosted and Isle of Eight concert. Isle of Eight is a local band that drew a huge crowd for an on-campus concert. It was a huge success and it was awesome seeing the Asbury community come together and support local music.

What do you want other students on campus to know about your committee/branch?

The concerts committee is something that anyone with a love of music can get involved in. The only way this committee is a success is with feedback and input from students. Any requests of who you would like to see on our campus are greatly appreciated!

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