ASC Member of the Week: Mindi Robinson

CLASS – Anchored Class

MAJOR – Ancient Languages

BRANCH – Spiritual Life Board

ROLE – Prayer Chair

What is the importance of your committee/role?

My role is to advocate for and organize prayer on campus. I meet with our VP of Spiritual life on behalf of prayer ministries on campus and assist the ministry W.H.A.T.T. (Worship Him All the Time) in whatever way needed.

What has been the best moment you’ve experienced while being involved with them?

I haven’t experienced very much since I just became the new prayer chair the beginning of this semester, but the people around me in SLB and campus ministries are such quality people. Every time I have been able to share similar passion about the Lord either with our VP, other chairs and our school chaplain, it has stirred my heart that so many are passionate about prayer.

What do you want other students on campus to know about your committee?

I hope students know that every person on Spiritual Life Board is incredibly filled with the love of Jesus. These people put in a great deal of their heart as they serve this campus in ways that most of aren’t able to witness. From leaders of campus ministries to SLCs and SLAs, it is such a privilege to know these people, and I encourage other students to do the same.


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