How not to infect campus with your illness

by Kari Lutes, Features Editor

Nurse Carol Amey, the director of Asbury’s student health services, stressed that viruses are alive and [un]well on campus.

“A ‘cold’ virus, a stomach virus and the Flu virus are circulating in Asbury students,” Amey said. “We’re seeing numerous cases of all three.”

The only treatment for these viruses is to simply wait them out. In the meantime, we all could use these tips on how to keep from spreading germs and how to get better faster.


Most virus symptoms like a fever or vomiting are contagious for up to 24 hours after you have had your last symptom. This means that if you had a fever at 6 a.m. you should not be in class at 2 p.m., even if you are feeling better, because you could still be giving the virus to someone else. Please, stay in your dorm and watch Netflix rather than rush to your afternoon class.


In line with the tips above, disinfecting will keep your roommate from catching your illness and maybe give you something to do when you are politely keeping to yourself 24 hours after your last symptom. Buy a can of Lysol and some Clorox wipes and give your room and bathroom a good cleaning. You’ll kill the dreaded germs and happily surprise your roommate with a fresh smelling room.


“Hydration will be beneficial whether you are trying to prevent illness or are already ill,” Amey said.

While Amey primarily recommends water, other fluids can be beneficial for specific viruses. If you have a cold or flu symptoms, try a cup of soothing green tea with honey. The antioxidants in green tea can reduce infection and honey is a natural sore throat remedy with antibacterial qualities. Try Kombucha a few days after a stomach virus to add probiotics back into your system.


If you spent all day in your room napping off your fever and sniffling and coughing through pointless YouTube videos, your bed is a haven for germs. Once you start feeling better, strip your bed and wash your sheets so that the germs aren’t hanging around for your roommate to catch. Also, throw away your toothbrush after an illness.


Amey recommends a number of tips to keep yourself from getting viruses, like washing your hands, getting a flu shot and not sharing food, drinks, silverware or even popcorn from the same bowl.

“I can’t emphasize that enough,” Amey said. “Someone with a virus coughs in their hand and then touches a doorknob, you touch the doorknob and then rub your tired eyes, and – presto!—the virus has now begun replicating in your body.”

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