Meet the newly elected Executive Cabinet

By Kayla Lutes, Features Editor

Tim Shell, student body president

Class: Vindicated

Major: Accounting

Why did you run? Serving on EC this year has allowed me to see how a role like student body president really does provide the opportunity to help strengthen the community we have here. Such an opportunity was one of the driving forces behind my decision to run.

What do you hope to accomplish in your new role? I am really driven to further improve the community we have at Asbury. I see us doing this through honest and open communication. Although I believe there are numerous ways that we can go about this process, continuing to foster community really is the main goal.

What’s one thing you want campus to know about you? I am a very relational person. My desire is to continue developing friendships with individuals from all areas of Asbury in order to better represent and serve the campus as a whole.


Madison Farrar, vice president of governance

Class: Vindicated

Major: Communications and Sociology

Why did you run? The student body has so many important things to say and I want to be a part of those conversations. The VP of governance role gives me the opportunity to use those conversations to enact change.

What do you hope to accomplish in your new role? My main goal is to start with student concerns and go from there. But as far as my ideas and passions, I would love to see more fitness classes available to students at the Luce and an improved recycling program on campus. Although student activities is not my area of interest, I would love to see a male beauty pageant as a fundraising event be incorporated into our next calendar year.

What’s one thing you want campus to know about you? I am eager to talk to them about their concerns and ideas. I love listening to people talk about what they’re passionate about and would be happy to do so over coffee at any time.


Hannah Saxe, vice president of student activities

Class: Vindicated

Major: Media Communications and Spanish

Why did you run?  I have been involved with Asbury’s student activities board for the past two and a half years, and it truly holds a special place in my heart. Events on campus are some of the most tangible ways to experience Asbury’s community, and that is why I love being a part of planning them.

What do you hope to accomplish in your new role? The past administrations in SAB have built off the progress of the ones before them and that’s exactly what I hope to do as well. I want campus events to be times that students look forward to.

What’s one thing you want campus to know about you? I love meeting new people. Next year my office will be open for anyone and everyone, so, come say hello.


Ben Campbell, executive treasurer

Class: Merciful

Major: Business and Accounting

Why did you run? During my time at Asbury I have grown a great deal, both in my knowledge and maturity. I saw the best capacity for me to serve was Treasurer on EC. I hope to have an impact on this campus that proves to be good.

What do you hope to accomplish in your new role?  I hope to accurately represent the finances of our school to our student body.

What’s one thing you want campus to know about you? I wrote in Dr. Gray for president for the general election.


Shawnna Ingram, executive secretary

Class: Merciful

Major: Accounting

Why did you run? I ran for Executive Secretary because I held that position in high school for three years, and I really missed being involved in student government.

What do you hope to accomplish in your new role? I hope to establish and keep a fun, creative and positive environment that we can all grow in.

What’s one thing you want campus to know about you? I love wearing fuzzy socks and watching Christmas movies year round.


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