Class: Visionary
Major: Christian Ministries
Branch: Spiritual Life Board
Role: Class Chaplain
What is the importance of your committee/role?
Looking after the spiritual well-being of the Visionary class. Through partnership with the SLB and Asbury leadership we facilitate events meant to bring students into greater intimacy with Christ and stronger community united under God.
What has been the best moment you’ve experienced while being involved with them?
The times I see students taking their own initiative to pursue Christ and build community outside of already structured SLB events.
What do you want other students on campus to know about your committee/branch?
Every member of SLB is passionate about their role, about Christ and about the community at Asbury University. Members of SLB will always be willing to provide listening ears, speak with students about whatever is going on in their lives and come alongside them in prayer, mentor relationships and friendship.