The Collegian’s 2017 Spring Break Playlist

by Kari Lutes, Features Editor

With the arrival of Spring Break 2017, students will be setting out from campus in all different directions. Whether you’re joining a team from campus for missions in the States or abroad, heading to the beach or a nearby city, or going home for some much needed R&R, the Collgian staff has a playlist that is sure to excite, unite and delight every spring breaker — no matter the background.


Kari Lutes, Features Editor

Spring Break 2017 is the last spring break of my college career, so naturally I have to add some tunes to the list that will make this break one to remember. With spring break’s arrival, I and every other senior can see the end in sight. The songs I’ve picked reflect my mood as I stand on the horizon of my undergraduate career, looking back and looking forward with gratitude and anticipation.

  • “Not Today” by Twenty One Pilots
  • “Don’t Bring That Trouble” by Needtobreathe
  •  “Legendary” by Welshly Arms


Elijah Lutz, Web Editor

In the Fall Playlist, I mentioned the radio station I listen to back home introducing me to a lot of new bands and artists. Unfortunately, that same radio station is being sold, but they are still giving me some new bands and songs to listen to. I have a couple ones here that I really like, including one from Two Door Cinema Club that I just discovered, and I am starting to really like this song a lot. A lot, a lot.

  • “Fever” by Two Door Cinema Club
  • “Love Illumination” by Franz Ferdinand
  • “Radio” by Sylvan Esso


Hannah Schultz, Executive Editor

I think I’m at that point in the last semester of my senior year where the only thing keeping me going is rapidly diminishing willpower. So my Spring Break 2017 tunes are some low-key old favorites to remind me of a time when I didn’t know what a graduate assistantship or W-2 was.

  • “World Spins Madly On” by The Weepies
  • “To Build a Home” by The Cinematic Orchestra
  • “Set Fire to the Third Bar” by Snow Patrol


Matthew Pertz, Opinion Editor

I’ve been on a high-energy funk kick lately. These songs feature a mix of artists new and old, undiscovered and unforgettable. This list will send everyone into spring break on a fun, confident note.

  • “Moving On and Getting Over” by John Mayer
  • “Kiss” by Prince
  • “Show You the Way” by Thundercat


Katherine Sheets, Copy Editor

My spring break is going to involve a lot of time on the highway between states, so I’ve gotten out those driving beats that make falling asleep behind the wheel nearly (as Anberlin put it) impossible.

  • “Impossible” by Anberlin
  • “If the House Burns Down Tonight” by Switchfoot
  • “Buddy Holly” by Weezer


Kayla Lutes, Features Editor

The songs I’ve chosen evoke a distinct emotion each time I listen to them.  I love that these songs can help me daydream or remind me to take courage as I face the unknowns in the roads ahead. All three of these songs are part of pretty great albums, so if you like them, know there’s more where that came from.

  • “Red Sea Road” by Ellie Holcomb
  • “Home” by Passenger
  • “In the Light” by The Lumineers


Robin Gericke, Managing Editor 

My favorite songs change frequently, but as I go into spring break these are the ones that are always playing in the background. They are a mix of random songs loved by Matthew Jackson, found on Facebook and featured on The Bachelor (respectively).

  • “Issues” by Julia Michaels
  • “Slip” by Elliot Moss
  • “What If” by Adam Friedmen


Zack Peñalva, Sports Editor

The early parts of 2017 have been great in terms of new music. Frank Ocean’s first track since Blonde is infectious. Ed Sheeran’s newest album offers a good mix of his usual and the unique. John Mayer has been dropping new music every month and will hopefully continue to do so until the end of time. The songs I’ve picked have been stuck in my head in a good way since I’ve heard them, and I hope the same happens to you.

  • “Slide” by Calvin Harris feat. Frank Ocean and Migos
  • “Barcelona” by Ed Sheeran
  • “You’re Gonna Live Forever in Me” by John Mayer


Betsy Oda, Opinion Editor

My spring break playlist (and music taste in general) consists of chill music that I can cloud watch and stargaze to. These songs all come from my “Top 10 Songs of All Time” playlist, and they’re the ones I’m always drawn back to no matter what.

  • “Saturn” by Sleeping at Last
  • “Holocene” by Bon Iver
  • “Stay Alive” by José González


Hannah Stafford, News Editor

My favorite way to road trip is to start with the opening number of a Broadway musical and belt it out all the way until the final curtain call. Here are a few songs from shows that are particularly energizing and fun for Spring Break trips.

  • “And the World Will Know” from Newsies!
  • “So Much Better”, from Legally Blonde: The Musical
  • “Defying Gravity”, from Wicked

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