ASC Member of the Week: Carolyne Clements

Class: Vindicated

Major: Music & Worship Arts double major

Branch: Spiritual Life Board

Committee/role: WHAM Chair


What is the importance of your committee/role?

WHAM (Worship Him at Midnight) gives our campus an outlet to regularly worship and experience God freely together. As we learn what it means to be part of the body of Christ, it is a gift to provide a space for students to express their creativity in worship and receive outpourings of the Holy Spirit together. In my role as chair, I get to pave the way for these impactful times of worship to happen on campus, which is a huge honor.


What has been the best moment you’ve experienced while being involved with them?

There have been so many elements and incredible experiences that went above and beyond my expectations, but by far my favorite moments have come from having our amazing core team of student leaders. The team is full of so many different people, so at first we weren’t sure if it would work to come together and make this ministry happen. But as everyone brought something new to the table, I watched in awe as all our differences were put aside with the common goal of worshiping God together, which has been one of the best ministries and pictures of unity in the body of Christ that I have ever been a part of, hands down. I love my team.


What do you want other students on campus to know about your committee/branch?

WHAM is a special and incredible ministry that is open for all of campus to be a part of. Our prayer is that anyone can come, experience compelling expressions of worship, receive truth and freedom from God and walk out knowing more of who they are in Christ as they go to impact the world we live in. WHAM is here to help us unite and love each other as we lift up God together on campus. We want everyone to come and worship with us!

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