ASC Member of the Week: Bailey Lane

By Delaney Tufts, Features Editor

Class: Visionary

Major: Graphic Design

Branch: SGA

Committee/role: Co-chair of Issues Awareness


What is the importance of your committee/role?

Issues Awareness Committee is very important when it comes to keeping the student body aware of what is going on in our society.   We’ve hosted speeches and panels on everything from relationship advice to feminism, which my co-chair Seth Kinyua and I have chosen as the topic to focus on for this semester.


What has been the best moment you’ve experienced while being involved with them?

The best experience I’ve had with this committee was when we organized Operation Christmas Child last year.  It was one of the bigger events we sponsored, and I was proud to be a part of it every step of the way.  We ended with a big packing party with over 100 boxes full of gifts for children who otherwise may not have had a Christmas gift.  I just wish we could have had even more participation with not just OCC, but with all of our events.  We are a small committee and it’s hard to know what issues the campus is really passionate about with only the few of us talking about the issues we see.


What do you want other students on campus to know about your committee/role?

My goal this year is to keep Asbury aware of anything that we should all be aware of.  I want everyone to know they can always bring up any issue no matter how small because we’d love to get it addressed.  IAC has a Facebook page if anyone ever wants to contact us about an issue that they feel needs addressed.


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