Athlete of the Week: Madeline Smart

Class: Appointed

Sport: Women’s Basketball

Major: Social Studies

  • What’s it like being a freshman on the women’s basketball team?

I love it. I get to work hard and have fun every day with an amazing team. Although I’ve only been playing a few months here, I know some of my teammates will be friends for life. Something that differentiates Asbury basketball from all other teams I’ve played on is that we pray before every practice and game. It is wonderful and really sets the right mindset of why we’re here.

  • Asbury’s athletic website says your hometown is Kobe, Japan, and you previously went to Marist Brothers International School. What brought you to Asbury?

There are many different ways I could answer this question: God’s hand, basketball, the academics and Christian community. But the simple answer is just as true. You know when you go somewhere and it just feels like home? That’s what Asbury was to me.

The funny thing about the word home is that for me, it means wherever my family is; and in a way the people of Asbury are becoming my home away from home. I’ve come from a small and tight-knit international community, and I have in a way found a similar niche here.

  • What’s something you’re looking forward to this season?

We’re such a young, promising team. I am looking forward to learning how our individual strengths can build upon each other to make a better team. Personally, I am so excited to be playing stateside again with a caliber rare to find in Japan. The playing style is quite different here, but I am embracing it 100 percent!

Photo by Hannah Mullenbach

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