Protesting during the Anthem at Asbury

  1. Perhaps it is necessary for change to happen within the black community as well. Education is available to all communities. The choice to become a single parent is often just that – a choice. Most of the issues mentioned by this young man need to be addressed within their own “culture.” More white criminal suspects are killed by white police than black suspects. More black individuals are killed by blacks than whites….thousands more. Yes, there are police officers who are far more brutal to black persons than white, and that is definitely a situation that needs to be addressed…no doubt about it. Maybe time spent kneeling in Hughes Auditorium, or the team as a unified group kneeling in prayer for God to bring change to the country prior to the anthem would have better results.

    1. While it is true that education is available to many, if not all communities, that does not mean all educations are equal. To assume so is naive, and this isn’t even to mention that opportunity isn’t equal for all (even if race were a nonissue).

      Also, whether becoming a single parent is “often” a choice or not (which I certainly would like to see statistics to support that claim) doesn’t really matter. An individual who grew up with one parent, or really in any tough living situation, had no choice in the matter.

      We as a society need to change. Period. It’s not up to any one “community.”

  2. Does this young man have any veterans in his family? Has he ever met or know someone who died, lost an arm or a leg, or eye fighting for the flag? Has he ever visited the Camp Nelson National Cemetery or participated in a ceremony where the cost of freedom is remembered? Perhaps this young man could use his time protesting in a better way than hurting the University that has given him the honor of representing them in basketball.

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