“Once in a Blue Moon” highlights student talent

By Staff Writer

Asbury’s theatre program hosts the final showings of “Once in a Blue Moon” on Friday and Saturday, capping a six-show run and launching the department into an ambitious semester.

Director Carol Anderson introduced the play as a “joyous process” focusing on “that ever-fresh, ever-new topic of love.”

The show is a romantic comedy that features senior Bryce Hockema and junior Hannah Coleman playing high school sweethearts Ethan and Callie, who went their separate ways into adulthood. The play covers the clashing of cultures between Coleman’s character, still residing in western North Carolina, and Hockema’s, who has to choose between his NC roots and his New York dream.

“If you look at something long enough,” he says in the play, “the inside will come out.”

“Once in a Blue Moon” serves as a platform for Anderson to highlight the skills of her students. Some actors portray as many as four characters, but juniors Julia Page Smith and Brenna Wood have a different sort of challenge: they play the same character at different showings because the Olympics interrupts their schedule.

“Brenna has been a blessing,” Smith said. “She adds a really awesome energy and life to Bella!”

Smith played the role of Bella for the first week of shows before leaving for work at the Pyeongchang Olympics. 

“She has become a constant encouragement and dear friend” Smith said. “I can’t wait to hear the raves about her performance next week. She has a great future ahead of her,”

Anderson added that this has been one of the most rewarding shows she’s worked on.

“It’s great to work with a talented cast of students from freshmen to seniors who’ve created such a supportive and enthusiastic community,” Anderson said. “They love the play and it shows. It’s one of the most enjoyable casts I’ve ever directed.”

Tickets can still be bought at asbury.edu/theatre for $5 individually. R.A.s seeking a hall outing can purchase 15 tickets for $45. 

Photos by Rebecca Hurshman    

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