Class Cabinet election results

By Glenn McGlothlin

The class cabinets for the 2018-19 school year have been decided after elections held April 11-13. The positions range from class president to historian and activities director.

Rising senior class president Natalia Berkey is thrilled to be leading her class this coming school year.

“I’m excited to serve my class,” Berkey said. “This might be the last time everyone is together and I want to make sure this last year is awesome!”

“I’m excited to serve my class,” Berkey said. “This might be the last time everyone is together, and I want to make sure this last year is awesome!”

Newly appointed Appointed Class President Demarion Johnson is not new to running for office. This is his second time seeking the president’s role for the Appointed class.

“This past semester I served the Black Student Alliance as the vice president, which was a great way to get involved on our campus and I just wanted try once more for class cabinet,” Johnson said. “I felt like this was another great way to be involved.”

Johnson’s second attempt has paid off, and Johnson said his main goal as president will be to increase participation in events on campus.

“This past year we’ve created an ‘I don’t care’ feeling towards events and I want that to change,” Johnson said.

Paul Liao, a health and physical education major, will be joining the Merciful class cabinet as their ASC representative.

Serving in this role is an honor for Liao.

“I am really excited to work with a team of Asbury students who have the same vision as me,” Liao said. “Plus, it is always fun to make new friends or get to know someone better.”

But Liao’s goal is much more than just having fun and making friends.

“One of my goals is to find ways to connect Asbury students,” he said. “I wish to create an atmosphere where students from different majors, classes, ethnicity/races and sports can be comfortable interacting with each other and learning each other’s perspective in life.”

Junior media communications major Matthew Lively has already served on the Merciful class cabinet as the male activities director. It was that positive experience that made Lively run for publicist.

“I love our cabinet and our class and wanted to serve again in a position I feel I am better equipped in,” Lively said. “Publicist will let me utilize skills that I’m studying at Asbury, so I hope to be more effective in the position.”

As a publicist, Lively will be creating the graphics and posters used to advertise events for the Merciful class. That marketing material will be displayed throughout campus and social media, Lively said.

As the Vindicated class graduates, Asbury will be in good hands with the Merciful, Visionary and Appointed classes leading the way.

Merciful Class
President – Natalia Berkey
Vice President – Hannah Coleman
Secretary – Micah Cobb
Treasurer – Cait Baker
Publicist – Matthew Lively
Female Activities Director – Isabella Nelson
Male Activities Director – Austin LaSeux
Male ASC – Paul Liao

Visionary Class
President – Jackson Thomas
Vice President – Haleigh Davis
Treasurer – Allie Howard
Historian – Colin Toth
Publicist – Tory McKinley
Female Activities Director – Catherine Daflucas
Male Activities Director – Ben Black
Female ASC Rep – Sarah Cole
Male ASC Rep – Renner Clements

Appointed Class
President – Demarion Johnson
Vice President – Kyra Christie
Secretary – Morley Prenevost
Treasurer – Sarah Griffin
Historian – Robert Giani
Publicist – Claire Nickell
Female Activities Director – Hannah Becht
Male Activities Director – Caleb Broughton
Female ASC Rep – Abigail Gilger
Male ASC Rep – Joseph Mikebanyi

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