Variety of fitness classes available to students

By Robin Gericke, News Editor

College students have many free or discounted services available to them from healthcare at the clinic to career advising. Fitness classes are an addition to these amenities. Offered on Asbury’s campus and at the seminary, a variety of classes are available every day of the week.

Classes on the university campus are free to Asbury students, while classes at the seminary are $2 for hour-long classes and $1 for 30-minute classes.

Senior Margaret Whitworth attends yoga and Group Power, her favorite classes, and can attest to the positive benefits of exercise. “Exercising is important to me, particularly as a college student, because it helps bring balance to my life. I spend a lot of time sitting between classes, homework and meetings. I feel better physically and mentally when I exercise. I’m able to focus more easily, and I’m more productive,” she said. “No matter what emotions I’m feeling, taking time to exercise helps me process things more effectively. Exercising is also a way of practicing stewardship. I want to take care of my body so that I can live fully into the life God has for me.”

Asbury women might recognize two of the instructors: Kresge’s RD Kim Martin and GC’s RD Kaylyn Moran both teach classes.

Weekly Calendar
6-7 a.m. – ELEVATE – Asbury Seminary, Basketball Gym
This workout incorporates fun obstacle course-type exercises alongside cardio circuits.
8-9 a.m. – Arise – Asbury University, GC Gym
This class combines total body strength and conditioning moves with cardio circuits and ends with a time of prayer. Bring water and a mat.
6-7 p.m. – Group Power – Asbury Seminary, Fitness Studio
Set to upbeat music, this workout combines traditional strength-training exercises with high-repetition weight lifting and dynamic functional moves.

9:30-10:30 a.m. – Tabata – Asbury Seminary, Fitness Studio
This workout is designed to engage all fitness levels through a timed interval method that alternates between 20-second intervals with 10-second stages of rest.
5-5:30 p.m. – Pulse Drumstick Fitness – Asbury University, GC Gym
Combining worship and fitness, this class offers simple kickboxing moves, cardio, drumsticks and toning resistance.
5:30-6 p.m. – CORE – Asbury Seminary, Fitness Studio
This workout targets the obliques, waistline, abs, lower back and gluteal muscles while building a strong and powerful center.
7:30-8:30 p.m. – Yoga – Asbury Seminary, Fitness Studio
Sessions are designed to strengthen and stabilize the body and relax and refresh the mind.

6-7 a.m. – ELEVATE – Asbury Seminary, Basketball Gym
5:30-6:30 p.m. – Zumba – Asbury University, GC Gym
This co-ed class is not a workout but an exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness party.
6-7 p.m. – Group Power – Asbury Seminary, Fitness Studio

6-6:45 a.m. – Tabata – Asbury Seminary, Fitness Studio
5-6 p.m. – STRONG by Zumba – Asbury Seminary, Fitness Studio
Synced to original music that matches every move, this workout combines body weight, muscle conditioning, cardio and plyometric training moves.
6-7 p.m. – Zumba – Asbury Seminary, Fitness Studio

6-7 a.m. – Group Power – Asbury Seminary, Fitness Studio

8-9 a.m. – Running Club
All fitness levels welcome as pre-planned routes let you walk, jog or sprint.

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