Wilmore makes national TV

By Matthew Barnes, Sports Editor

Wilmore, the small Christian town that is home to Asbury University and Asbury Theological Seminary, is not highly recognized around the state, and especially not the nation. However, the community was recently placed in the spotlight through a live television show.
ABC has a popular show called “What Would You Do?” where host John Quiñones and the crew set up in a local place and create a fake situation that will test people’s live reactions to moral dilemmas. The most recent episode featured Wilmore’s IGA Foodliner and tested the town’s character.
The situation was simple: an actress was playing a teacher who didn’t have enough money to pay for class supplies and was going to put back groceries such as milk and bread to cover the cost. It was nobody’s obligation to help pay, but the creators wanted to see if kindness would prevail in a community known for its Christian values. Several citizens were tested, and every single one covered the difference that she couldn’t afford.
One of these citizens was Asbury alumnus Hudson Ensz, who graduated two years ago. He noticed the situation, offered to pay with his card and even helped her bag her groceries.
“The whole experience is a bit surreal to be honest. I didn’t really care why she needed the money; that wasn’t my business. I just knew that she needed groceries and school supplies and couldn’t afford it. It was a humbling experience,” Ensz said.
A common thread expressed by everyone featured on the show was that teachers are underpaid, and that it’s not right that they should be paying for their own school supplies. The actress playing the teacher offered many times to pay them back, but everyone just wanted to give without getting something in return.
“In college, there were times where I didn’t have money. I worked a few days a week at the cafeteria and the Bistro to pay bills and have spending money, but most times, I was dead broke,” Ensz said. “I am no longer in that position, and I know that I am so blessed to have what I do. When I encounter someone who is struggling with money, I know that it could have been me or could be me at any point,” Ensz said.
Wilmore may not be known for its television presence, but it just might be known for its kindness and compassion.

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