ASC Update: Jan. 29 Meeting

Staff report, courtesy of ASC minutes.

Asbury Student Congress (ASC) is a student-led body representing different clubs, organizations and academic groups on campus. In an effort to increase transparency and inform the student body of the things Executive Cabinet (EC) is trying to accomplish through ASC, this section will give a brief detail of meetings. ASC meetings are held once every month in the Miller Screening Room and are open for all students to attend. The next meeting will be held Feb. 26 at 10:50 a.m.

Special Agenda Item:

Members of ASC asked the Executive Cabinet questions about Asbury on a large scale. For example, a question about Asbury’s recycling was asked. Heather Tyner confirmed that Asbury does recycle, setting different colored bags in various trash cans to differentiate the material thrown into which can.

Another question was asked of why the dorms have to be alarmed manually at night and if investing in automatic alarms would be more beneficial. Discussion proved that it would not be as good as some might think, considering the current systems are older and updating them would take lots of money and time to rewire the systems. ARDs confirmed that not only RAs alarm doors, but desk workers do as well. While it might be convenient to upgrade, manual systems are safer for entrances and exits to the buildings.

Matters of Campus: EC brought a list of relevant campus topics to discuss to the floor. Matters included responsiveness of security, increased lighting around equine facilities, faculty and staff members mentoring students and parking appeals.

Branch Reports:

SGA (Student Governance Association) Branch is looking forward to the upcoming Executive Cabinet elections. Come out to speeches on Feb. 12 at 7 p.m. in the Stuce. Voting will occur Feb. 13-15 during meal times.

SLB (Spiritual Life Board) hosted Worship Him At Midnight (WHAM) on Feb. 1. The next WHAM is on March 29 at 10:30 p.m. in the Stuce. The WHAM committee is creating Instagram and Spotify accounts for public sharing of songs from the events.

SAB (Student Activities Board) is hosting a concert on Feb. 9 with Mōzi & Sam Mooney. There will also be a screening of a new movie about Tim Tebow and his brother Wednesday Feb. 13 at 7 p.m. in the Stuce.

SIP (Student Intercultural Programs) is celebrating Black History Month with events scheduled every week. Every Friday at 7 p.m. (with the event on Feb. 15 starting at 7:30), events will include a game night, a performance by Whit Whitaker, a movie night and a food expo. The final event will take place on the last Monday of the month.

Open Floor Announcements:

Junior Senior dance is March 1 at the Eagle Lake Convention Center at 7 p.m.

ASC passed a club charter for Sigma Delta Pi, the Spanish honors club.

Jan. 29: Student Body President Ben Campbell opened meeting by addressing new features of ASC meetings in order to enhance discussion: ASC Q&A and Matters of Campus.

Q&A session: addressed topics sent out to ASC members in a previous email, and the floor was open to response.

Matters of Campus: EC brought a list of relevant campus topics to discuss to the floor. Matters included responsiveness of security, increased lighting around equine facilities, faculty and staff members mentoring students and parking appeals.

ASC is made up of four branches: Student Government Association (SGA), Spiritual Life Board (SLB), Student Activities Board (SAB) and Student Intercultural Programs.

Branch Reports:

SGA: Working on 2019-20 EC elections, additional commuter space and rearranging class cabinet structure.

SLB: Organizing WHAM event for Feb. 1, which includes making a Spotify playlist, and adjusting class renewals

SAB: Working on upcoming concert event and movie in the Stuce

SIP: Hosting February Black History Month events

Class Reports:

Merciful: Finalized senior retreat

Visionary: Planning Jr./Sr. Dance for March 1

Appointed: Working on Sophomore Musical

Faithful: Planning Freshman Formal and class renewal

Club Charter: Sigma Delta Phi charter for a Spanish honors club, which has been around for awhile but not yet recognized by ASC, was approved.

Open Floor Announcements: upcoming events include taggers vs. survivors (now called Spies), self-defense club meeting, WGM ski retreat Feb. 1-2, Oscars viewing party in Miller Feb. 24.

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