Where are they now? A feature on Asbury alumnus, Whit Bussey

By Paige Miller, Features Editor

1. What was the name of your graduating class?

“Empowered Class of 2008.”

2.  What major did you study at Asbury?

“Media Communication with an emphasis on film.”

4. What jobs have you had since graduating from Asbury?

“I worked for Lin Pictures (now Rideback) as an intern, then [was] hired as an assistant and finally as a script consultant for Warner Bros. I left Warner Bros. to start an agency, Oculus Studios, here in Lexington.”

5. What is your current job?

“I currently work for my own agency, Oculus Studios.”

6. What do you consider your greatest accomplishment since Asbury?

“My greatest accomplishment since Asbury has been creating a company with fellow Asbury grad Brock Smith, employing 10 people full time and starting a family with my wife.”

7. What is your favorite memory from college?

“My favorite Asbury memory was playing Mario Kart with my friends to the point of skipping class. It sounds silly and trivial, but 10 years on from college, and I don’t remember a single thing from class — no one has ever asked me to see my grades, but I’m still friends with everyone from those games.”

8. What is your best advice to graduating seniors?

“The best advice I can give is Colossians 3:23. I see interns and job applicants all the time now that clearly don’t care and will only work hard enough not to get fired. They end up not getting the job or getting fired. When I worked in [Los Angeles], I made sure my boss knew I was willing to work even harder than he would, to care even more than he would about a project. I offer the same thing to clients now because I’m not working for them, I’m working for God with my work. That means it has to be excellent.”

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