The Asbury Worship Collective records live album ‘Mountain’

Macey Fix, Contributing Writer

With a loud live band accompanied by bright flashing lights and fog machines, the March 8 performance of the songs from “Mountain” seemed better suited for a big venue instead of the small theater in which it took place. Performing like seasoned professionals, the students of the Asbury Worship Collective filled the room as they presented their project for the first time.

One of the most important stages of creating an album  — the recording — had finally come after many months, and unlike the typical recording session, this one took place in front of a live audience. The tracks they recorded are entirely original and are the content of the Collective’s upcoming full length album.

Creating this album was a long process. In August of 2018, small teams were assembled in every area of the process  — songwriting, the band, prayer, recording-night volunteers and production. Outside of the music, there are people working on graphics, video, social media, set lighting and design, broadcasting and coordinating the venue.

“It’s a monumental effort for sure,” said Bailey Rasmussen, coordinator and producer of “Mountain.”

The months of hard work culminate into the live album recording night, taking place in the Greathouse Theater in the Andrew S. Miller Center for Communication Arts. This year, there were two live recording sessions instead of just one. The sessions took place at 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. on Friday, March 8.

“Since [we had] two sessions, we’ll take the best takes from the two recordings, and those will become the album,” Rasmussen said.

The title of the album, “Mountain,” comes from a track written by senior Tom Mangione. Written over the summer, the song was the first piece of the album. Then the rest fell into place around it.

“[The song] ‘Mountain’ is all about an expanding awareness of the vastness of the fullness of God,” said Mangione. “This past summer, I wrote the song about a faith crisis I had last year. In the fall, I took it to Bailey. She added a line, and we knew we had something special. It ended up resonating with our songwriters big time, so it became the theme of our project.”

The album features thirteen tracks all created by Asbury students. Including songs like “Hope,” “Where Freedom Is Found” and “Unexpected,” all of the songs on the album focus on God’s presence and fullness.

“The songs on the album are all centered around God’s presence,” Rasmussen said. “Our God is fiercely with us. Most of the songs speak to our inability to have all the answers and the idea that maybe that’s okay. I think a lot of the time we’re quick to give up on God’s faithfulness because it doesn’t feel like He’s giving us the answers we’re asking for. It’s a call to stop worrying about answers and receive the love of a God that loves us perfectly in the midst of our questions.”

“Mountain” will be the the third full length live album released by the Asbury Worship Collective. The group has also released studio EPs.

“We recorded a studio EP last semester,” said Rasmussen. “It contains two tracks from past albums, two tracks from the “Mountain” live album and two tracks that are exclusive on the EP. The EP will be available on streaming platforms mid-March.”

The members of the Asbury Worship Collective use their releases as ministry, and this album is no exception since it gives a glimpse of their personal faith stories through music.

“This is a very personal album, and we think it will only be more and more meaningful with every listen,” said Mangione.

Fans of the Asbury Worship Collective can expect to see the live album be released in the fall of 2019.

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