SLB connects with the community through local partnerships

By Ethan Sirles, Contributing Writer

Asbury’s Spiritual Life Board (SLB) has been working to build relationships with the communities around Asbury through partnerships with different organizations. Recently, students served at Church Under the Bridge in Lexington, Kentucky, April 7 and are serving at Providence School in Wilmore every Thursday for the rest of the semester.

Church Under the Bridge (CUTB) is a church based in Lexington that aims to incorporate people who have been affected by homelessness. “[It] is primarily made up of people who are currently experiencing homelessness or who have previously,” said Hannah Bellew, chair of the outreach committee under SLB. “It’s a unique community of sweet brothers and sisters who truly know what it means to have nothing yet still give love in abundance.”  

Partners of CUTB, who differ from week to week, lead a full church service. Following the service, the organization that is serving also provides a meal for the people in attendance. The SLB outreach committee is currently working to create a consistent group of students who can serve at CUTB on a regular basis. Bellew said that the connections students make have been beneficial for both SLB and the church.

“It was so beautiful to see our students build relationships with our neighbors at CUTB,” said Bellew. She continued to say that everyone involved has had a positive experience. Multiple students have expressed how much they have enjoyed CUTB.

“Church Under the Bridge has been home for me,” said sophomore Rebekah Kerby. “It has given me an opportunity to love and be loved. It has opened my heart and eyes to those in need.”

“Church Under the Bridge is a fulfillment of one of the main things that Jesus came to do: preach the Gospel for the poor,” said freshman Ben Martin.

The SLB outreach committee is hoping to make its partnership with CUTB a biweekly event in the 2019-2020 school year. Because the current semester is nearing an end, the committee has only one more event planned with the church. The final Asbury CUTB service will be on Sunday, April 28, at 3 p.m.

SLB’s partnership with Providence School, the alternative high school for Jessamine County students, is a mentorship program that connects Asbury students with Wilmore high school students. Every Thursday, Asbury students have been building relationships with the high schoolers during their lunch hour.

“It’s a simple way to be a consistent support in the lives of young people and exemplify a glimpse of Christ’s love in our community,” said senior Grace Dean, a member of SLB.

SLB decided to make its partnership with Providence official in order to draw in more Asbury students who are interested in getting involved and mentoring.

Dean said the program is rewarding for everyone involved. Students from Asbury and Providence are able to learn from and support each other.

“I feel like everyone in every stage in life could use some encouragement or just somebody to talk with who genuinely cares,” said Dean.

Bellew and Dean encouraged other students to get involved in whatever way they can in their communities. They recognize that there are many ways to serve on campus, but they urged people to get involved where they can off campus in order to serve those in need.

“Being involved with SLB this year, I have learned that when we choose to give love like Christ did, we receive that same love in return, and it’s one of the most beautiful things,” said Bellew.  

Anyone interested in joining these partnerships can contact SLB members with questions or for more information.

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