3 tips for staying safe on walks or runs

Staying safe while running or walking around town or campus may seem as simple as “don’t run alone,” but staying safe takes a little more than that. The U.S. experiences a pedestrian versus vehicle fatality every 88 minutes, according to 2018 data from the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration. Here are three things to remember when you go out for a run or a walk any time of day:

Stay Visible – if you can’t be seen, you aren’t safe. Wearing bright or reflective clothing and running in groups increases your visibility. Always move against the flow of vehicle traffic when not on a sidewalk; seeing your hazards approaching is part of being visible.

Situational Awareness – Know where you are going and what to expect along the way. Trust your gut. If things feel sketchy and unsafe, change your route to a safer area. Unplug, even if it is just one ear; if you can’t hear your surroundings, you have put yourself at an intentional disadvantage.

Communicate – Take the time to tell others where you plan on going, when you plan on being done and when to start worrying. Take your phone with you to let those people know if you change your plans and when have returned from your run.

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