Photo by Macey Fix

SAB: Putting the cool in school

Although the primary purpose of attending a university is to receive an education, a student’s most prominent memories from their college years often come from interactions outside of the classroom. Whether it be a casual hangout with friends or a large campus-wide party, the fun moments like these are what students remember. 

Asbury’s Student Activities Board (SAB), a branch within Asbury Student Congress,  is responsible for planning and hosting memorable events throughout the year on campus. 

“SAB is all about bringing the fun to campus!” said Vice President of Student Activities Board Hannah Becht. “SAB gets to plan all of the fun things that happen on this campus, everything from the homecoming dance to tailgates to Taggers vs. Survivors to Legacy Games.”

SAB is in charge of many different activities and events, and there are committees within SAB to make execution easier. The five committees are Special Events, Screamin’ Eagles, Recreation Committee, Movie Committee and Concert Committee. 

Special Events plans homecoming events, the Fall Variety Show and Legacy Games. Screamin’ Eagles is in charge of all things related to athletic events, such as tailgates and coordinating the student section. Events hosted by the Recreation Committee vary depending on committee leadership, but this semester they are planning a Halloween party. The Movie Committee and Concert Committees stay true to their names and host movie nights and concerts. 

“SAB is the fun branch! Essentially, we are party planners,” said Becht. “The goal of SAB is to listen to the students’ voices about what they want to see happen on this campus and then use all of those ideas we hear and take them into consideration when planning any event.” 

Students can submit event ideas to the committee and can also join a committee if they would like to be more involved. 

“If someone wants to get involved I encourage them to come and talk to me,” said Becht. “I am in my office or at least around the Stuce most days. If a student is interested in helping plan events for campus or if any of the above committees sound appealing, shoot me an email or hunt me down in the Stuce. I would be happy to get more people involved. The more the merrier! I want others to love planning events as much as I do! If it is something they enjoy, I want to make sure they are getting as involved as they want to be! If you like to have fun come talk to me and ask me how you can get involved with planning events for our student body!”

Executive Editor

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